Remembering Dogra Rattan Babu Parmanand

Remembering Dogra Rattan Babu Parmanand ER. H R PHONSA

The same invariably creates problems during the execution of schemes. The number of such schemes being directly supervised or implemented through the Office of the District Magistrate (DM) or the Panchayati Raj institutions (PRIs) wherein DM has significant role in ensuring proper implementation of these schemes is endless. This single handed supervision it self over loads the DM’s work load. The DM’s remain involved in
the law and order problems and host of other functions assigned to them, so the implementation of welfare and development schemes suffer.

He wrote in detail in the same columns ” The lack of seriousness by political leaders and bureaucrats charged with the implementation of these programmes and schemes shows that these were meant only to boost the image of the men in authority rather than bettering the lot of the deprived, exploited and unprivileged population of India.. The talk of removing poverty through these points and growth rate has failed to rid the vast majority from hunger, disease, unemployment and poverty. He said, if it has  not happened in fifty years, another fifty years may not also solve these problems.
It is a common knowledge that judging the futility of slogans raised and promised made during the launch of every new programme and scheme, which ultimately failed to achieve the desired goals, he clearly mentioned only three point programmes and gave the key to achieve the welfare goals for the deprived, neglected, diseased, illiterate, poverty ridden Indian population from the mess. He suggested these three points as

1)Education to all by the end of this century (which has already lapsed) with one syllabus for all irrespective of caste, creed or religion and one rate of school fees for both public and private schools.
2)Land and house to the landless in rural areas.
3)Job to jobless

Babu Parmanand also gave some  guide lines for the success of these points stressing the need to show professionalism  by persons and agencies engaged in implementation of schemes and programmes in dealing with the problems of the masses which is ultimate problem of prosperity and well being of India. He advises the politicians and officers to be true to the salt and prove by actions true to the sacred oath to work for the wellbeing of all irrespective of caste, creed, sex, religion, region of the beneficiaries. Babu Ji further wrote in his article “The poor man has survived by dint of his physical labour and if he is equipped with knowledge and means, he will improve his condition on his own. Merit is no body’s monopoly and if equal opportunities of education are provided to all, every body shall know his merit. He continued and wrote saying if a student of Jehanabad District in Bihar and Kalhandi Distt in Orissa ( Condition of Jammu and Kashmir Rural area schools is no better) to compete with a student of Covent School in Delhi or Bombay(Mumbai) is a shear mockery and joke with the poor man apart from being inhuman and tyrant”. Babu Parmanand wrote that to ensure the dignity of an individual in a caste ridden society of rural India is a moot point. He suggested that to achieve the dignified life style
of an Indian in the rural area, he needs to be given a minimum quantum of land depending upon the fertility of land in each state. This should be done through legislation or budgetary provisions for the purchase of the land or persuasion of landlords. If not done at the earliest, nation should be prepared to hear more tragedies like Jehanabad in Bihar. One cannot absolve always under the cover of conspiracy. Babu Parmanand wrote that the main hurdles in attainment of dignity and prosperity to lakhs of Indian poorare:
1.Lack of education
2. Lack of means of production ( and
land is the mainstay in rural India).
3. Lack of job.
While winding up the article dated 15th December, 1997, Babu Ji wrote “Unless and until, a family is recognised as a unit of development in India, it will be impossible to increase his income and make him self reliant and truly independent”. The above said commentary of Babu Parmanand on the half hearted efforts initiated for the poverty elimination can neither succeed nor have so far succeeded as the required will, sincerity, commitment
and professionalism of executors is lacking. One can refer to the warning given by Dr Ambedkar while winding up debate on adopting of the Indian Constitution. He had said that the quality of the Constitution of a country is governed by the quality and commitments of those who are to get it
implemented. If the persons turn out be good even a bad Constitution shall prove good and if the quality of the persons (politicians, administrators, policy planners included) happens to be bad even a very good Constitution shall turn out to be bad. In India administration is manned by majority persons who are more committed to their respective projected religions than to the country. They are pro status quo which goes against the spirit of democratic governance.
The sooner we change this mind set the better it shall for the bright future of India. Mahatma Gandhi has said “India lives in villages” realising that villages are mine houses for supply of cheap laborers and workers necessary  for prosperous future of India. But his political descendents under the intoxication of political power visited village folks during elections only to seek their vote blessings and to forget them there after till next elections. Even communists and other political parties under the control of vested interests including money minded upper castes did only lip service to the poor and downtrodden. Dr Ambedkar realised Indian labour potentialities and so said in December, 1942 while writing his broadcast speech for AIR Bombay “The country needs a lead and the question is who can give this lead. I venture to say that labourer is capable of giving to the country lead it
needs—–“.( Dr Ambedkar writings and speeches vol 10, jacket writing).

Babu Ji left his mortal frame after a year long ailing on 24 th April 2008 leaving behind in tears his lakhs of workers, sympathisers, two equally brilliant sons, four grand children and his wife. The best tributes to Babu Parmanand a Dogra Rattan is to continue his crusade against the exploitation and deprivation of the poor and downtrodden millions of this great country by providing them equal opportunities and not alms of mercy. Treat them as equal citizens which is possible only by getting implemented with open fair mind all welfare rules and schemes framed for them. This author had association with Babu Parmanand for five decades.


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