Refugee row

The handing over of domicile certificates as per the news reports by the Jammu and Kashmir Government to West Pakistan refugees has created a new political controversy in which opposition and separatists are on the same platform blaming the government of trying to change the demography as tuned to Pakistan’s allegations while the government on the usual defensive stance with denying any such move. The refugees, all of them Hindus, have been demanding citizenship rights since 1947, when they started leaving West Pakistan-or modern-day Pakistan-following India’s partition. But successive governments in Kashmir refused to accept the demand because settling non-state subjects is banned under the special laws the State enjoys. Migrants from Pakistan-occupied Kashmir are, however, considered State subjects because they are a part of undivided Kashmir. Unlike the permanent residents of Jammu and Kashmir, the refugees from West Pakistan cannot take part in Assembly elections, own immovable property or get a job in the State Government. But they can participate in parliamentary elections and can hold Central Government jobs. The refugees, who number around 1.5 lakh, according to government estimates, however, say they have been facing problems in getting such jobs. Sources in the government, which started issuing the certificates this week, said the document would help these migrants get jobs in Central Government departments. Those who are opposing the move allege that the government was removing the roadblocks in integrating the refugees. The separatists termed the decision as “anti-Kashmir and anti-Muslim”. Settling them in… Jammu and Kashmir will jeopardise and erode its historical and political contours, which are not acceptable to us at any cost, is the stand of separatists. The main opposition party, National Conference charges BJP of trying to turn the majority Muslims into a minority. Last year a parliamentary panel on home affairs had recommended residency and voting rights in State Assembly elections for the refugees. Pakistan too has joined the issue with accusing India of trying to change Kashmir’s demographics. Why it is that any issue regarding Kashmir becomes sacrosanct and there is lot of hue and cry.

editorial article 1Refugee row
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