Rajendra greets people on New Year; Reiterates JKP’s commitment towards public service

JAMMU: The Director General of Police (DGP), K. Rajendra Kumar has greeted all ranks of JKP their families including the families of martyrs besides wishing a happy and prosperous year ahead for the people of the State and the Police Parivar.
In his New Year message, Rajendra said that JKP, during the concluding year, made the people of the State feel secure, by instilling a sense of security among them.
“We are satisfied with our efforts as the good turnout in the Assembly Elections makes one believe that people were free from any fear to exercise their right to vote” DGP said and suggested all to ponder upon new areas, “where we could have done better”.
Rajendra reiterated that JKP is committed to provide better police service to the people.
“After creating conducive atmosphere, the force is focusing on better public service and professional policing” he said.
While the force with its professional skills performed well in all the situations, the cooperation from all sections of the society was a major factor which led to our success in meeting these bigger challenges, he asserted.
Rajendra said that the professional expertise of JKP in maintaining conducive atmosphere has been reflected in every field of life during the bygone year. “Hectic and peaceful political activities, the arrival of more than 11.5 lakh tourists and 3.72 lakh Amarnath pilgrims that helped boost the economy of the State bear testimony that the year was a great success” he added.
Elaborating the achievements of the organization, the DGP said that JKP has intensified the drive against crime and criminal activities for which professional skills at all ranks have been sharpened.
“Latest techniques of investigation and crime detection have been introduced in the syllabus of different training courses, while special training courses have been introduced in training institutions to equip the personnel with the skills of investigation and crime detection” he informed.
He further said that one each cyber forensic lab and DNA lab is being established to give further impetus to policing. He added that during the year, more than 3,665 jawans and officers were imparted training in various skills and deployed in different areas of policing.
“In addition to this, 479 jawans and officers were deputed to various Training Institutions outside the state for undergoing different training courses “the DGP added.
Referring to September floods that left thousands of people homeless in the State, Rajendra said, jawans and officers of the force, with other agencies, braced up in rescue operations in the first instance, despite they had faced huge loses themselves, and a number of people were evacuated to safer places.
Giving further details, he said after rescue operations, the force, using its all available sources, chalked out a mechanism to organize relief and medical camps for the flood hit people.
“In collaboration with some NGOs and other socio-religious organizations, the JKP conducted a massive relief drive and distributed material including edibles, kitchenware, clothes, drinking water and blankets among the affected people.
Medical facilities were provided to the people to check possibility of post-flood health complications; he said and added that preventive medicines like chlorine tablets were distributed to avoid out-break of any epidemic.
The DGP further said that medical camps were organized in which experienced doctors and para-medical staff of Police Hospitals, and doctors from outside the State rendered services.
The Police organization also held blood donation camps at various places with an aim to provide assistance to the sufferers as health sector in the State had suffered a lot during the floods, added Rajendra.
Giving details of the welfare measures for the police personnel and their families, the DGP said that more than Rs. 35 crore was sanctioned under different schemes for the welfare of serving and retired personnel, besides families of martyrs and SPOs. This includes ex-gratia relief, special welfare relief, retirement gifts, welfare loan and scholarship to the meritorious wards of police personnel.
Rajendra further said that thrust was laid on establishing rapport with the people and strengthening relations with public.
“A mechanism was chalked out to reach out to the people and strengthen bonds with them, besides organizing different activities for the development of the youth, including community policing and establishing the youth clubs. People have shown good response in community policing and the programme has yielded desired results” he added.
He further asserted that the Organization succeeded in achieving desired results on all fronts during the gone year and this became possible only with the cooperation of the people.
“I assure that all ranks of Jammu and Kashmir Police would continue their efforts with dedication to serve the people and the nation” he said and added “I wish all ranks of Jammu and Kashmir Police, their families and the families of the martyrs a happy and prosperous “New Year”.

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