Procession taken out to commemorate 7th Day of Muharram


JAMMU: On 7th Day of Muharram Anjuman-e-Imamia Jammu commemorate, the martyrdom of Shahzada-e-Qasim, a procession was taken out from the residence of Late Syed Mazhar Ali Shah under the banner of Anjuman-e-Imamia Jammu.
Among the 72 martyrs of Karbala Shahzada-e-Qasimwas one who laid down his life in Karbala for the sake of Islam. A Majlis was organized before the procession which is addressed by Moulana Syed Safdar Hussain Baqri Nowgama Sadaat.

In his address Maulana stressed upon the teachings of Prophet Mohammad (Pbuh) and also highlighted the great sacrifice of Shehzada Qasim (A.S) for the sake of truth. He further added that one can learn from the Histroy of Karbala that how to be a victorious when you are oppressed. It’s the only battle in the history where Blood Wins Over Swords. He added when you are on the path of Allah no force can oppress you.

During the procession mourners were reciting Nohas and Marsiahs to pay tribute to Shehzada Qasim (A.S). At Imam Bargah New Plots the mourners offer namaz-e-magribain and a Majlis was also organized by Anjuman-e-Haidery New Plots which was addressed by Molana Syed Zaheer Abbas Jaffary. Maulana in his address said that we should follow the path of Imam Hussain (A.S). He further added that always stood by the oppressed is our first duty, irrespective of caste, creed or religion and raise your voice again oppressor.
President Anjuman-e-Imamia Syed Aamanat Ali Shah while addressing the media said that Karbala is a thought that cannot be deceived. He further added that Mahatama Gandhi quoted that ” I learned from Hussain how to achieve Victory while being oppressed”.
President Anjuman-e-Haidery New Plots Abdul Sameer Qureshi said that we should follow the path of Imam Hussain (a.s) and always spread a message of humanity and brotherhood.
Senior Journalist Sohail Kazmi, while addressing media, said that Imam Hussain (A.S.) sacrificed his life for the sake of Islam and created an example that it’s not necessary that every battle be won by sword.
Prof. Sujat Khan, Secretary Anjuman-e-Imamia Jammu, said that our Spiritual leader Rehbar e Moazam Syed Ali Khamaenei said that “Islam has come to liberate man from two chains– liberation from arrogant and oppressive governments, liberation from false thoughts and Ideas” that is what the battle of Karbala taught us.
Vice President Anjuman-e-Imamia Syed Afaq Hussain Kazmi delivered the vote of thanks. He said that we are highly thankful to the district administration for their unconditional support, people from different regions like Rajouri, Poonch, Surankote, Chanderkot, Gursai, Mandi, Loran, Kashmir, Kargil and Ladakh and organizations like Anjuman-e-Haidery New Plots, Anjuman-e-Hussaini Bathindi, ALMSAJ, AKSAJ and Shaheed Mutahri Library New Plots, MEWSL and People of different faiths who have participated in the procession to pay tribute to Imam Hussain (a.s) and all the martyrs of Karbala.
He further added that we are thankful to our print and electronic media for giving extensive coverage to the procession.

STATE TIMES pays tribute to Imam Hussain (A.S)

JAMMU: STATE TIMES group of newspapers on Saturday offered fruit juice to the mourners participating in the procession, which walked through various city roads from Janipur to Imam Bara via New Plots and Amphalla.
On reaching STATE TIMES road, the Editor-in-Chief Raj Daluja, joined by the staffers, offered fruit juice to the mourners, carrying Taziyas, symbolizing replica of the mausoleum of Imam Hussain (AS), who attained martyrdom in the battle of Karbala. Fruit juice stalls were laid in front of the STATE TIMES head office at Ambphalla. Raj Daluja paid tributes to Imam Hussain (AS), saying Muharram conveys the message of adherence to truth and steadfastness against injustice.

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