Prevailing chaos

Few days are left for the current year to be over. But two major events which took place in the last quarter of 2016 will be carried forward to next year also. Of this Donald Trump getting elected as new President of United States of America took everyone by surprise and the other as far as India is concerned the midnight announcement of demonetisation of Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 currency. Of both demonetisation will linger on for some more months outwitting everyone’s calculations before the economy comes on a stable keel. The coming Union Budget too will carry the demonetisation impact for which Modi government will have to reconsider and give relook to the fallout of the such a big decision. There is no doubt that opposition is baying for Modi’s blood and will continue to do so at every move as it has been the worst affected. The indicator is the recent election outcomes including the municipal elections where the main opposition party Congress received the worst drubbings. The electoral outcomes have belied all the post-monetisation fears and the massive victory for BJP is a reminder of the promises of giving good governance. For Congress the Modi government is behaving like a “confused” traffic signal and the repeated changes in the rules was compared to Modi’s changing of “clothes” and had said that the message going out was that the Prime Minister’s words were “hollow”. All these Modi-centric rhetoric is an example of Congress frustration to come out as an effective and persuasive opposition which can regain the lost public confidence. People in general are not cribbing about the hardships they are undergoing it is the politicians and political parties of opposition who had made an issue and wanted to impact the recently held elections but in reality the tables turned otherwise. Opposition in general and Congress in particular should wake up from the often repeated charges and give some positive contributions. It looks Congress is trying to fish out some sympathy win from the prevailing chaos. Which in itself is a wishful thinking?

editorial article 1Prevailing chaos
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