Possibilities of Kashmiri Pandits Returning to Kashmir

Omkar Dattatray

There is nothing impossible in the scheming of the God almighty and if the supreme force of the universe likes ,there is then no impossibility of the exiled Kashmiri Pandits going back to their native place of birth .But in the scheming of the men especially in the face of negative attitude of the Kashmiri Muslims ,it seems near impossible that KP’s will go back to Kashmir and settle their as they were living before the insurgency and armed struggle of 1990’s.However for the return of the Kashmiri Pandits ,they themselves can make sincere efforts in this direction .But the initiative should come from the Modi government .The BJP’s poll manifesto for the current and ongoing assembly polls mentions that if the BJP wins the majority and forms the government ,it will take steps for the return and rehabilitation of the KP’s .But the fact remains that the BJP has been at the seat of power in the country for more than 10 long years ,it did nothing for the return and rehabilitation of the KP’s to valley nor did it try to ease the difficulties of the exiled KP’s at Jammu and elsewhere .Even the NDA government did not enhance the cash doles to the refugee Pandits despite the demands and protests by the community in trouble and distress .Then poll manifestoes and promises are nothing more than bundle of lies and therefore people do hardly trust the promises given in election manifestoes .But if the GOI and the UT government yet to be formed make sincere efforts in the direction of the return and rehabilitation of displaced KP’s much can be achieved in this behalf .However the million dollar question is will the two governments make sincere efforts for the return and rehabilitation of exiled KP to valley .It seems that the BJP and other parties are harping on the issue of the return of KP’s only for their political benefit of vote bank otherwise they will not take earnest steps in this regard .The hard fact and bitter truth is that the majority of Kashmiri Muslims do not want return of KP’s to Kashmir .A large number of KM’s have thrived on the distress sales of the properties of Exiled Pandits and many have looted their left out properties in Kashmir .It is better to call a spade a spade even if some people are annoyed and displeased by plain speaking .A very small number of KM’s who are moderates have no objection about the return and rehabilitation of internally displaced community in their native place .However much depends on the determination of the central government and if they really want return and rehabilitation of exiled Pandits back to Kashmir .But as the experience teaches us that the political executive of this country called Bharat even in the constitution only talks about the return of KP oustees back to Kashmir only for political consumption and for remaining in the limelight but in their heart of hearts ,they care too hoots for the return of KP’s to valley .As the security situation is emerging in the troubled UT ,the KP’s cannot live at the scattered places like they were living before their exile and banishment .Majority of the houses and landed properties have been consumed as distress sales all these years of their displacement and thus where will they go as they have no houses at their original places of habitat .So government if it is really interested in the return and rehabilitation of KP oustees should buy land at three /four places across valley and construct flats for housing the KP’s on their return .So it is obvious that KP’s can live at their concentrated locations where there should be all minimum facilities for their living with ease as well as security provision .In any case they cannot live in Kashmir as before in scattered locations in rural areas .So the government should make proper arrangements for their housing and also make fool proof security arrangements so that they can live without any fear and insecurity .It is pertinent to remember that no Davshalpi Vishwakarma will construct house for the exiled KP community in Valley overnight and thus the construction of proper accommodation for the KP community will take enough time .The exiled KP are scattered far and wide in various countries of the globe but it is the innate will of every KP to return to their roots in Kashmir where they can protect their traditions ,customs ,religious and cultural identity and in fact preserve their distinct culture while remaining in the broad spectrum of Sanatan Dharma .No doubt some of the internally displaced Hindus have under compulsion constructed houses for them but it remains their urge to return to their roots sooner or later. These houses constructed under compulsion are houses only and cannot qualify to be called homes as the home lies were heart lies .The centre government and the new UT government should work in unison to ensure the return and rehabilitation of the displaced Pandits back to Kashmir .It will be the litmus test for their talk and promise of ensuring return of KP’s to valley .Kashmir basically and primarily belongs to Kashmiri Pandits and it is they who are the aborigines of Kashmir which in fact is the Kyashp land and this fact KMs also know but brush under the carpet under the opium of radicalism .
Therefore KPs has the first claim on the land and resources of Kashmir and they should be given their land so that they can live in the serene ,pleasant and conducive climate of Kashmir .No power on earth can deny them this right and sooner or later the KPs will have to return to their roots in Kashmir but they can live there in concentrations and not like before .It is the moral ,cultural ,human and social responsibility of the Kashmiri Muslims to call KPs back to valley and it is they who should take initiative in this direction if they really want KPs back in valley otherwise all talk of return and rehabilitation does not make any sense and is humbug .The KP organizations which have emerged in the exile of this community should make a consensus on the most important subject of return and rehabilitation of theirs as it is related with the lives of all KP’s and make them ready for the return to Kashmir .
The politicians talk of Kashmir being incomplete without KPs seems only hypocrisy and for the real meaning of this often repeated phrase the political parties should make sincere efforts in the direction of the return and rehabilitation of KP’s and then and only then they are justified in repeating time and again that Kashmir is incomplete without Kashmiri Pandits and thus if they mean what they repeat infinitum ,they should make sincere efforts in the direction of return of Kashmir Pandits to Kashmir.
(The author is a columnist, social and KP activist)

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