Poor infrastructure, staff shortage hit Puran Nagar post office functioning

Malu Kerni
Notwithstanding tall claims of the J and K Postal Circle about the modernisation and infrastructure development under its official motto ‘Go Forward’, the ground reality presents a different story altogether with a majority of the post offices still grappling with lack of facilities and poor infrastructure.
The Puran Nagar post office is a true example of laxity. The post office which caters to the needs of many people living in adjoining areas is in a very pathetic condition. The post office has failed to meet the needs of the residents due to lack of basic amenities. The post office running in single room has only two employees.
It is pertinent to mention here that the post office is supposed to provide service to the people of Puran Nagar, Prem Nagar, New Plot, Shiv Nagar and other adjoining areas but the pathetic condition and poor management has failed to meet the needs of the people.
Adding more woes, the post office has no seating arrangements, toilets or drinking water facility for the visitors. A power generator installed at the post office has been lying unused for several months. It is also worth mentioning here that the employees and visitors at post offices are facing innumerable problems owing to poor infrastructure and lack of facilities.
“The higher-ups miss no opportunity to remain in limelight and get publicity by organising press conferences, organising exhibitions and post office festivals but they seem to have forgotten their basic obligations towards common masses and employees. The poor infrastructure and dilapidated buildings, where post offices are being run, is the glaring example of official apathy,” said Sanjeev Sharma, a visitor.
Shweta Gupta, a student and resident of Prem Nagar said, “It is a very crucial time for me. I have to post application forms and other competitive examination forms but due to the poor facilities being provided at this very post office it is very difficult to get the work done in time. Many times when we visit the post office and ask for speed post or other service the staff misbehaves and ask to go to some other branch. We are facing problems in receiving important letters and admit cards of competitive examinations. If the post office cannot provide service to people what is the fun of opening a branch here better to put a lock on it.”
Navneet Mahajan, a resident of New Plot said, “The concerned authorities seems to have forgotten to fulfill its own moto and is busy in highlighting the little done in some of the branches. The post office in our area is in a pathetic condition. One has to wait for electricity to get the work done as there is no back up. The functioning comes to a halts if there is a power cut and the commuters have to wait for hours to get the work done. There is no provision of inverter or any generator. Many times one has to visit the post office thrice to get a simple speed post done. It is the only post office here and that too in such a depilated condition and the concerned authorities are least bothered about it.”
Though the public had been confronting with innumerable problems, the authorities seem to be least concerned in addressing the shortcomings in the proper functioning of post offices.

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