‘Political corruption root cause of unrest in J&K’

JAMMU: Members of the Movement for Peace, Equality and Justice (MPEJ) on Wednesday said that main cause behind the prevailing situation in India in general and J&K State in particular is political corruption which has lead to manifold increase in the incidents related to militancy, drug smuggling, adulteration, spurious medicines, price rise and corruption galore in government departments. They further added that there is huge disparity in the distribution of funds so for as the regions of Jammu and Kashmir are concerned. The funds allocated to Kashmir region is also not uniformly utilized but major portion of these funds go to the pockets of influential and political leaders of Kashmir, rending the poor people of Kashmir helpless. “The youth of the Kashmir have always been exploited by vested interests since there is nearly one percent of such population in Kashmir which is bent upon provoking the innocent people for satiating the vested interests while as their children are living and studying outside the State, and enjoying a luxurious life there without caring for the poor people of the Kashmir. These vested interests are throwing poor innocent youth in jaws of death by misleading them and prompting them to resort to stone pelting. These corrupt political parties are required to be dealt with strong hands by the people of the State so that their double standard policy is exposed to everyone.

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