Police recovers a sum of Rs 14 lakh from a Tavera Vehicle in Shopian

Under the command of S.H.O.Shopian Javid Ahmad, Shopian police recovered a sum of Rs 14 lakh from a tavera bearing registration number JK01G 6922 and arrested three persons boarding the vehicle namely Sheikh Masarat, resident of Poshnoo Awantipora, Bilal Dar of Panzgaam Pulwama and Zahoor Fafoo of Mehjoor Nagar, Srinagar.

“We were on routine checking ,while checking one tavera we found a bag full of currency notes, the sum is 14 lakh” javid said.

“One can not carry more than fifty thousand with him asit is against election rules and very much doubtful”,  SHO added .”We have seized the tavera along with three persons who initially said that they are working for a private security agengy and the cash is meant for state bank ATMs, which is doubtful “S.P. Shopian Waheed ahmad said.”’There is no any relevant document with the persons which could justify their say”, SP added.

The experts say that the money could be used to influnce the voters as the 2nd phase of election is only after two days and the fashion in which money was recovered is very much doubtful.


JK01G 6922Money recovered from taveraticker
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