Peshawar bleeds, Pakistan realised terrorism


Mankind all over the world desired peace and prosperity. After first world war 1914-18; League of Nations was established to maintain peace and strive for the welfare of mankind but failed to check Germany led by Hitler, Italy led by Mussolini and Japan led by militarist such as Tojo and Tonaka, so Second World War came in 1939 and continued upto 1945. After second World War UNO was established to maintain peace and strive for welfare of mankind. UNO succeeded in avoiding Third World War. But in this world saint and satan both exist so a new peace breaker i.e. international terrorism came to existence. Terrorism has been derived form Latin word terrere and deteerre which means tremble and frighten. It means to frighten people so much that they may began to tremble due to fear. Now mightiest states like USA, UK ad Russia have not escaped from terrorism. Different terrorist groups have different motives. At present India is the only country in the world facing terrorist threats across the border i.e. from Pakistan. since 1989 India’s one of the state like J and K is facing terrorism, thousand of innocent people including personnel’s from belt forces became victim of international terrorism. Jehadi camps in Afghanistan alongwith Talibans and possible threats to India along with Jammu and Kashmir Jehadies have been treated like weapons of Musharraf’s Govt. Now the fundamentalisms have more powers than states. Their penetration has spread from the military to nuclear and scientific community. Pakistan is a epicentre of global terrorism organised crime, sectarian conflicts and unremitting hostility to India. Pakistan’s army ISI rulers have used terrorism, drugs and sectarianism to create trouble in India. to achieve control over India ISI Jehadi groups, Talibans, Al-Quaida, Mafia dons Daud Ibrahim etc supported by all world fanatic groups are creating horror and are committing terrorist acts. in Pakistan thousand of Madrasas are being run by fanatics, imparting training to children to carryout subversive activities in India educating them that Islam in India is in danger showing them filmy clips, outraging fabricated modesty of Muslim ladies by security forces in Jammu and Kashmir. Thus brain washing their attitude towards India. 26th November 2008 incidence in Mumbai had shaken the entire world where 164 persons, ladies, gents and children were killed by Pak sent terrorists. 10 terrorists carried out the attack through sea route 9 out of 10 were killed by NSG and marine commandoes and one was caught alive who was later on sent to gallows. Peshawar like incident was also happened in Jammu when on 14th  May 2002 at 6:45 AM three terrorists sent by Pakistan fully equipped with automatic weapons entered the army cantonment area of Kaluchak family quarters and killed 25 students, three soldiers, two wives of soldiers and a small suckling kid and later on all the three terrorist were killed by the security forces. Earlier to this Pakistan trained and sent terrorists attacked Indian Parliament and killed many people including security personnel and in the encounter all the terrorist were killed. Taliban in Pakistan on 16th December 2014 attacked army public school in Peshawar killed 132 students, staff members including Principal of the school who was burnt alive in the presence of students and injuring 250 others. Nearly 1,000 students were there in the school at the time of attack. This is one of the heinous cowardice act of terrorism, the world has ever seen in the recent years. The terrorists have no religion, no human heart, no human feelings, no sympathy, no vision and no soft heart for innocents. Their mission is only to kill others and get killed. These suicide terrorists’ aim is to create terror in the minds of peace loving people. They are the enemy of the civilised society. Now Pakistan must realise the act of terrorism. When India was bleeding Pakistan did not realise the agony and pain Indian felt but now Peshawar bleeding and Pakistan has felt the pain and agony of this act, those who were killed had nothing to do with what is happening in Waziristan and Pakistan Policy towards Taliban. The Taliban is Pakistan own creation. Prime Minister of Pakistan stated bad and good terrorism. He must realise that there is no classification of terrorist. A terrorist is a terrorist he is always bad he can never be good. He may be good for Pakistan but bad for India but now the good terrorist for Pakistan has struck in Peshawar and created havoc. So terrorism is always bad in whatever form it may be. India has been pleading on all national and international platforms to curb the terrorism and nip the evil from the bud but Pakistan policy towards JD, Al Quida, LeT, Jaishe Mohd and Taliban till 16th December 2014 was soft but now Pakistan says, it will fight terrorism to its finish. Had she acted earlier against them, Peshawar would not have bled. Ask the parents who have lost their future dreams, after all children are loved by every body irrespective of country, they belong. In India we are all shocked and aggrieved and could not stop our tears. Very hand some lovely flowers like children were brutally killed by butchers. Every Indian citizen is highly perturbed and badly shaken and stands with the parents of those children who lost their nearest and dearest. It is highly condemnable in whatever way we can. We all prey to God to rest their souls in heaven and to parents to bear this irrespirable loss.
Pakistan must have by now realised the gravity of terrorism and must also act, dismantle all terrorists’ camps operating from its soil irrespective of outfits they belong and cooperate with other countries of the world to wipe out international terrorism so that peace is restored in Asia and else where.  So the best strategy for the India and Pakistan to tackle the international terrorism is that Pakistan must end firing on LoC and IB and instead of allowing cross border terrorism. Both the countries must come forward and jointly undertake military operations against terrorists. Who are responsible for killing the children of both the countries and also initiate friendly dialogue to end long standing impasse between the two nations. This will remove misunderstanding    and culprits of both the countries either in Pakistan or in India should be taken to task and legal action under the law of the land be taken against perpetrators of such heinous crimes.

Dr. P P Singheditorial articlePeshawar bleeds
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