The principle of “Live and let live” is a guiding philosophy that promotes happiness and progress among human beings. It emphasizes the importance of coexistence through adjustments and adaptations, fostering peaceful living on our planet. It encourages individuals to respect each other’s differences and find common ground, ultimately contributing to a more harmonious and progressive society.
Currently, the evidence of the horrors of war and displacement is stark, as it is well before us with countless lives disrupted, homes destroyed, and suffering inflicted on innocent people. Regarding the general nature of humans, they possess both inherent characteristics, such as empathy and cooperation, as well as ambitious and egoistic tendencies, which can drive them to pursue power, wealth, and dominance.
The Israel-Palestine dispute has been ongoing for decades and may potentially escalate into a global conflict. It has already led to global economic depreciation, mass migration, and widespread destruction. It is also perilously close to a nuclear confrontation. A similar situation can be seen in the Ukraine-Russia war, which has caused displacement, destruction, and the potential for future conflicts due to the immigration of people to other countries and resulting disputes with the native populations of those places.
In the present geopolitical scenario, we observe how China, based on its economic and military strength, is expanding its borders into neighboring countries and even faraway regions, such as the South China Sea. This highlights the impermanence of borders and the critical role of survival and adaptation in such situations. Then, some present encroachments at LOC in Ladakh & Arunachal Pradesh. So, Immigration and exodus are result of the after affects of land disputes along boundaries that leads to uprooting the natives and this phenomenon is historically revealed and still humans don’t understand the horrific after affects of war.
Human beings are innately curious and perpetually learning creatures. However, in our fast-paced world, the constant influence of social media, TV, and other distractions often disrupts our peace and leads us to turn against one another. We must acknowledge that human nature is unpredictable. Just as dogs were domesticated from wolves but retained certain primal characteristics, humans evolved from hunter-gatherer ancestors over thousands of years, yet some of our primal instincts still emerge when they align with our personal or community interests.
Kashmir has also experienced a cultural mix due to invasions by oppressive forces and invaders who converted Kashmiri Hindus to their religion, by killings, lootings etc. and forced them to leave the valley multiple times. Today, the valley is predominantly inhabited by Muslims, while the original residents, are now refugees in various parts of India and around the world.
During the 11th to 14th centuries, Kashmir became deeply immersed in philosophical and religious pursuits, possibly neglecting its military aspects. This, combined with internal intrigues and conflicts among the ruling elite, could have weakened the society from within. Human greed to migrate outside to settle in foreign lands like migration of Indians to Canada and places to places like UK.,USA , Australia and elsewhere also become nascent centres for dispute as the main culprits the man has a desire to grab more with egoistic plans and wants more & more. Humans,if they want to remain in harmony with all beings in nature have to adopt the policy being helpful to needy and deserving which only can lead to harmonious living on this planet and attaining the aim of peaceful co-existence while incurring all methods of adaptability and brotherhood. Truly, Sanatan Dharma is Way of Living which reveals the concept of live and let live. The main principle of Sanatan Dharma which opens a ray of hope is to calm down the turbulent waves of frightful wars that has engulfed whole world today. Sanatan Dharma is now spreading on the globe because its main principle enunciates a policy of “Live and Let Live” in harmony with equnimous adaptation. It is an art of living for betterment of humanity on the globe as a whole.
Lastly, there is no substitute for peace and tranquility. The purpose of life is to be achieved through pragmatic and peaceful coexistence and service to society. In spiritual terms, there is a need for introspection, atonement, and purification so as to overcome all the storms that threaten our world. Otherwise, the alternative is enduring conflicts for thousands of years.

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