PDP Mahila Wing cautions against evil designs of anti-peace forces

JAMMU: PDP Mahila Wing President, Vijaya Dogra exhorted upon party cadre to work for maintaining peace and brotherhood in the State to frustrate designs of forces inimical to the peace.
Addressing a meeting of party workers, while announcing new team for Jammu District (Urban), Vijaya Dogra said that peace is imperative for the socio-economic growth of every section of the society.
In the meeting, Susheela Jamwal was appointed as President Jammu District (Urban), Ritu Gondhi as Zonal President for Jammu East, Rajni Sharma as Zonal President for Jammu West and Sandiya Mehta as Zonal President for Cantonment.
“Being a worker of PDP it is our responsibility to frustrate designs of those forces which are hell bent to create disturbance in the State by raking up emotions of the people”, She said and added that forces inimical to the peace were frustrated due to revolutionary and pro-people steps being initiated by the Coalition Government headed by Mehbooba Mufti during the last some months. “Such anti-peace forces have hatching conspiracies to derail the process of peace and development initiated by the present government”, she cautioned and exhorted party cadre to work as crusaders of peace to ensure better growth and development of the State.
Calling upon newly appointed office bearers of the Mahila Wing to work with dedication and committed to strengthen the party at grass root level, she said that they have greater responsibility being office bearers of the PDP.
“People of the State have high hopes on PDP and it is you are duty bound to come up to the expectation of the people”, she said and mentioned that government headed by Mehbooba Mufti has already launched many schemes for the socio-economic growth of the women but need of the hour to the take these schemes to the deserving lot of the society.

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