A pathetic alibi for an abject surrender

   M. M Khajooria

It appeared that the Government of India had finally licensed promotion of sedition by “empowering” Kashmiri separatists to visit Pakistan High Commissioner in Delhi as and when they desire. Remember, these were neither social contacts nor courtesy calls but were in pursuance of their declared objective of secession from India of the State of Jammu and Kashmir and its merger with Pakistan. Now they won’t have to wait for invitation from Pak High Commissioner in India to Pakistan National Day celebrations or the visit to India by a Pak dignitary. Hold your breath and read a quote from a written and astounding reply to Parliament by V. K Singh, MoS External Affairs ( no scope for being misquoted or misinterpreted} as reported in the press on 2nd May, 2016.
“Separatist leaders in Jammu and Kashmir are Indians. Government is aware of presence of Hurriyat and separatist leaders at the Pakistan High Commission on Pak National Day. Since Jammu and Kashmir is an integral part of India, these Kashmiri leaders are Indians-there is no bar on Kashmiri leaders meeting representatives of other countries in India’- To begin with, let the junior minister be reminded that under International Law the patch of land in Chanakya Puri, New Delhi on which the Pakistan High Commission building stood formed part of Pakistan territory . Any citizen of the host country or any other country for that matter could visit Pak High Commission either by invitation or after obtaining permission from the High Commission for which elaborate procedures were in place. Needless to add that purpose of such visits should be legitimate, bona -fide and verifiable. This “right” certainly does not extend to visits aimed at promoting sedition. Incidentally, this licence to hobnob if extended to all foreign embassies, how will the Maoists, Nagas and other pro-China elements in North East avail of it shall have to be watched. Incidentally, how about Khalistani terrorist Bhuller transferred to a jail in Punjab under an Akali conspiracy with the connivance of Central Government and thereafter conveniently released on Parole walking up to Pak High Commission and having a chat with old handlers?
The separatists, by definition were publically committed to secure de-accession of Jammu and Kashmir from the Indian Union. Their meetings with Pak High Commissioner or other visiting dignitaries were ostensibly aimed at exchange of perceptions and positioning with ” “Genuine representatives of Kashmir” so as to enable Pakistan to take a position on the “core issue of Kashmir” during dialogue with Indian counterparts. In reality, however such occasions as also contacts on Pakistan National Day celebrations were opportunities for detailed undisturbed exchanges with senior ISI officers operating under diplomatic cover to determine strategies and priorities to escalate anti- India street action with a view to supplement the Jihad terror operations and deepen the co-operation and co-ordination between the underground and over ground elements. It was no secret that without the backing of gun totting Jihadis “the movement” would have withered away long ago.
Even otherwise the State and Central Governments were in facilitation mode as far as the issue of de-accession from India was concerned. The two Hurriyats and other pro-Pak and anti national outfits publically and routinely questioned the fact of accession thereby violating the provision of Unlawful Activities (Prevention of ) Act, the offences being cognisable and non-bail able. These special Indians were “exempt” from the perview of the law of the land and legal action barred understandably through executive directions. The Central and State Governments were also quite comfortable with routine waving of Pak and ISIS flags on Fridays as well as raising of anti -India slogans etc. No action as mandated by law was taken. May be some day some one will be called upon to account for the abetment of offences by omission to take action as mandated by the law.
Now about separatist leaders credentials as Indian citizens, of course, technically and technically alone they were Indian citizens. Ali Shah Geelani, the foremost among them was a former Member of the Legislative Assembly who had sworn loyalty to the Constitution and pledged to uphold the integrity of the country and all the rest prescribed in the Oath Form . That too in the name of God and on more than one occasion. But that was long time ago. Now he never tires of denying his Indian citizenship. Only recently when his daughter was seriously ill in Saudi Arabia, he was finally persuaded to sign as “an Indian citizen” in the application form for visa without which he could not get to Saudi Arabia to be with his ailing daughter. But he did so under dire compulsion and open public protest against being compelled to declare himself as an Indian citizen. Even Yasin Malik, rated as a “Friendly Separatist” openly and publically denounced his Indian citizenship. The GoI simply and quietly pocketed the affront and as per reports continued to maintain with him the “Friendly Terms” and delivering on whatever were the arrangement. The case of murder of civilian Air Force officers in which he is the accused continued to drag on and on without any rhyme or reason or explanation. This case could be the longest pending murder case in the history. One wonders whether the case even exists on the list of Long Pending Cases maintained in the Hon’ble High Court. These were only two samples. Of course there were many others. Apparently, the GoI having failed to convince, persuade, cajole or compel these worthies , in their wisdom or lack of it decided to unilaterally saddled them with the citizenship of the great Republic of India and thereby granted Rights to visit Pak High Commission as suited their convenience, the cost to the security of the country not withstanding. It may be mentioned here that engagement of Pakistan in proxy war against India in Kashmir was a fact of life testified by no less a person than PM Modi himself. Only the other day, Home Minister Raj Nath Singh also confirmed in the Parliament the existence of terrorist camps in Pakistan/ PoK where in terrorists were being trained to be inducted into Jammu and Kashmir. And there was no doubt at all that the so called separatists were the over ground faces of this terror machine. So why is the government of India trying to force the label of Indian citizenship down the throats of unwilling and resissting separatists? If the idea is to construct an alibi for surrender before Pakistan on the issue of that country’ “right” to consult Kashmiri separatists before Indo-Pak high level contacts, it is both ridiculous and pathetic.
The truth is that the GoI had not only once again blinked but this time around turned away with eyes down cast. Gone are the days of bravado of “No talks till Pakistan gives up on talking to Kashmiri separatist leaders (read over ground proxies in on going bloody terrorism in that state.)” and “arrogantly” calling off Secretary level talks with that country.” GOLI AUR BOLI SAATH SAATH NAHI CHAL SAKTI” and all that stuff. Today, Indian “bluff and bluster” stood exposed before the entire world community.Pakistan could rightfully claim she had won hands down because of their “consistent and principled stand and succeed in involving Hurriyat, the sole representative of people of Kashmir” (who were a necessary party to the dispute) in Indo-Pak dialogue. The Hurriyat had gained the right to consult and conspire with Pakistan with impunity. The country had lost face and suffered enormously in prestiege. Pakistan gains in the realm of Perception Management and over all Psychological warfare were huge. The adverse effect of this goof up on the minds of large segment of Kashmiris in the grey zone was enormous.

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