Partners in progress

Indians working in different parts of the world should not forget their roots and become partners in their country’s progress so that  ‘Make in India ‘ campaign launched by Prime Minister Narendra Modi turns out a reality. It is the duty of those who have succeeded, to look back and give something to the society. There is a need for inclusive education, which alone can effectively tackle world’s biggest challenges such as poverty, illiteracy and unemployment. The ‘Make in India’ campaign is aimed at making India a manufacturing hub by creating healthy business environment. India has been very stringent when it comes to procedural and regulatory clearances. A business-friendly environment will only be created if India can signal easier approval of projects and set up hassle-free clearance mechanism. India should also be ready to tackle elements that adversely affect competitiveness of manufacturing. To make the country a manufacturing hub the unfavorable factors must be removed. India should also be ready to give tax concessions to companies which come and set up units in the country. India’s small and medium-sized industries can play a big role in making the country take the next big leap in manufacturing. India should be more focused towards novelty and innovation for these sectors. The government has to chart out plans to give special sops and privileges to these sectors. India’s ‘Make in India’ campaign will be constantly compared with China’s ‘Made in China’ campaign. The dragon launched the campaign at the same time as India seeking to retain its manufacturing prowess. India should constantly keep up its strength so as to outpace China’s supremacy in the manufacturing sector. India must also encourage high-tech imports, Research and Development (R and D) to upgrade ‘Make in India’ to give edge-to-edge competition to the Chinese campaign. To do so, India has to be better prepared and motivated to do world class R and D. The government must ensure that it provides platform for such research and development.

editorial article1Partners in progress
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