Participation in anti-polythene campaign: Jammu Mayor launches App for getting ‘Commitment Certificates’


JAMMU: Taking ahead the ongoing anti-polythene and anti-plastic campaign in the city, Mayor, Rajinder Sharma on Monday launched a mobile phone APP for volunteers and others joining the campaign to get their ‘Commitment Certificates’ of participation in the historic move.
The Mayor got the APP made totally free of cost through volunteers and launched it in the presence of Deputy Mayor, Baldev Singh Billawaria and JMC Commissioner, Rahul Yadav.
“Just as there was a proud feeling among freedom fighters after the country got freedom, the volunteers and others joining the anti-polythene campaign shall also feel jubilant after the success of this campaign and the certificates generated by them will be a testimony for their concern for the environment,” the Mayor said.
He said that the certificate will have written on it: “It is a matter of pride for me to be a part of a movement for eradication of polythene carry bags from our environment. It name will make a change and will use the carry-bags made of eco-friendly materials like bags made of cellulose and starch, paper or carry-bags made of cloth.”
Mayor Sharma appealed to all the people of Jammu to get the certificate by clicking the link
He informed that for getting the certificate one has to fill his/her name for which there shall be three options-as an organization, as a student or as a citizen.
“For students one will have to write name of his/her school or college and the certificate shall have signatures of the Mayor along with photographs of LG, Mayor and Deputy Mayor,” the Mayor

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