Pak’s worry

India, Pakistan territorial dispute looks like geospatial with later going to United Nations on India’s move  to introduce  a Bill to make  any distortion or violation  of its territorial demarcations punishable   with heavy fines and jail terms. Pakistan has taken the stand the proposed Geospatial Information Regulation Bill by India is violative  of Security Council resolution in Jammu and Kashmir. India has made its stand very clear on all the foras  that State of Jammu and Kashmir as acceded by the Maharaja with Union of India is an integral part of its own country and Pakistan has been the illegal occupant since partition of the country and has been asking for plebiscite. Being an internal matter Pakistan has no locus standi on the issue and the proposed Bill is an entirely internal legislative matter. Through the Bill, Indian Government gets legislative sanctions to prosecute anybody, organisation and country which terms  Jammu and Kashmir as an disputed  territory. Pakistan has been the aggressor who took control of the region through Kabali invaders at the time of Partition in 1947and till date the status of the region remained the same. If Maharaja’s accession document becomes the thumb rule, India stands to gain in territorial gains up to Gilgit and Baltistan and to Tibet, which is under Chinese occupation after 1962. A large portion of eastern J and K, referred to as Aksai Chin, has also been illegally occupied by China for decades. This step was apparently envisaged by the government in the backdrop of cases where social networking sites showed Jammu and Kashmir and Arunachal Pradesh as a part of Pakistan and China respectively. The government firmly rejects Pakistan’s repeated and increasing attempts to impose on the international community matters that India has always been open to address bilaterally with Pakistan.

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