Ownership of Dogri, Jammuriyat a priority echoed at 9th Kunwar Viyogi Utsav

Dr. Ritu Singh calls for collective responsibility towards Dogri preservation


JAMMU: When will Jammu take ownership of Dogri? When will Jammuriyat take priority over anything else? These were some of the thought-provoking questions raised by guests present at the 9th Kunwar Viyogi Utsav, held in Jammu on Thursday at the University of Jammu.
Concerns that Dogri as a language might become extinct if proactive measures are not taken from the citizenry to preserve it, Dr. Ritu Singh, Founder of Delhi Public Schools Jammu Katra Nagbani and Leh, said that the essence of Dogri is not limited to its language but in its people, food, fashion and collective sense of responsibility for the language. She said, “Imagine a language that forms the very heartbeat of the people. That is Dogri. Today we are here to honour not only this beautiful language but also Sahitya Akademi Awardee Kunwar Viyogi who loved and lived for Dogri,” said Dr. Ritu Singh. Living by the mantra ‘Service before self,’ she said that as a daughter of this great Duggar pradesh, she considers her prime duty to preserve the rich cultural heritage of Jammu and serve the motherland in whichever capacity possible. The Kunwrani also paid rich tributes to Kunwar Viyogi and said that we should each take upon ourselves the responsibility of contributing to the language.
While addressing the 5th Kunwar Viyogi Memorial Lecture titled – “Naya Jammu- Preserving Legacy, Language, Culture and Education”, held in collaboration with the Department of English and Dogri, University of Jammu, Dr. Ritu Singh congratulated Kunwar Viyogi Memorial Trust Founder Poonam Singh Jamwal for service to the language and encouraging the youth to follow their dreams with the help of scholarships awarded by the Trust to Dogri and English toppers. Prof. Umesh Rai, Vice-Chancellor, University of Jammu was the chief guest on the occasion whereas Goverdhan Singh Jamwal, Chairman, KunwarViyogi Memorial Trust presided over the function. The Vice-Chancellor awarded scholarships to Dogri toppers – Shikha Sharma and Rahul Singh and to English topper – Sparsh Dubey. Addressing the guests at the Cheten Di Lari scholarship ceremony, he asserted that the people of Jammu need to take ownership of Dogri. If a language is extinct, a person’s identity is compromised. We must save
our identity and our language, he said. “Language can survive and progress only if it is used in all walks of life like day-to-day conversation, education, business, media etc. Special efforts are required to popularize Dogri among children and younger generations,” the VC said. He encouraged other stakeholders of the University to follow the example of KVM Trust and organize such programmes for the development of regional languages of the state. He assured his full cooperation in organizing such events in future also.
KVM Trust Founder Poonam Singh Jamwal announced that in the 10th year of Kunwar Viyogi Utsav, which falls in 2025, she will let Jammu take ownership of Kunwar Viyogi’s legacy. “Jammu has Viyogi as Bengal has Tagore. Why should we look at Europe or quote Shakespeare when we have gems like Viyogi. If Shakespeare has written 300 sonnets, Viyogi has penned 2000 and has gifted all to Jammu. Now Jammu needs to preserve his legacy, collectively,” she added.
Prof. Sucheta Pathania, Dean Faculty of Arts and Head Department of Dogri welcomed the guests during 5th Kunwar Viyogi Memorial Lecture 2024. In her remarks, she complimented Kunwar Viyogi Memorial Trust for their dedication to preserve the legacy of Dogri poet and cultural icon, Kunwar Viyogi. “It is an honor to be part of this remarkable event that not only commemorates Kunwar Viyogi Ji’s work but also fosters a deeper connection with our cultural heritage”, said Prof. Pathania.
Padma Shree writer Mohan Singh also delivered a lecture on Kunwar Viyogi, which will be followed by a session of Kavi Goshti, held by Duggar Manch. A monograph on the celebrated poet was also inaugurated.
While delivering a vote of thanks, Trust Chairman Goverdhan Singh Jamwal, highlighted many distinctive qualities of Kunwar Viyogi’s personality as a leading and an inspiring figure. He brilliantly analyzed the contribution of Kunwar Viyogi which opened new horizons not only in Dogri literature but in the field of Dogra Culture also. He also highlighted the importance of such programmes being organized by the Trust and shared its future vision.
Faculty members present on the occasion included Prof. Ravinder Singh, Head Dept. of English Prof. Monika Sethi, Prof Sushma Sharma, Prof Garima Gupta, HoD Sanskrit RK Shukla, Dr. Padam Dev Singh, Dr. Sandeep Dubey, Dr. Radha Devi Sharma, Dr. Pritam Singh were also present on this occasion.

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