New Delhi: The National Green Tribunal has directed the Jammu and Kashmir Pollution Control Committee and the Budgam district Magistrate to verify the facts and file a report on the alleged unscientific dumping of solid and bio-medical waste in the Poonch river. The green panel was hearing a petition claiming that such waste was being dumped on the confluence of the Poonch river and the Belar Nala near Poonch town.
A bench of Chairperson Justice A K Goel said, “Let the J&KPCC (Jammu and Kashmir Pollution Control Committee) and the district magistrate, Budgam, furnish a joint report in the matter after verifying the facts and take remedial action within two months
“The J&KPCC will be the nodal agency for coordination and compliance.”
The bench, also comprising Judicial Member Justice Sudhir Agarwal and expert members A Senthil Vel and Afroz Ahmad, said the report also has to mention the steps taken to prevent such dumping and manage solid and bio-medical waste in the area. The matter has been posted to July 12 for further proceedings.
According to the petition, the dumping of waste polluted the river, a source of drinking water, and the authorities concerned failed to take remedial action despite representations.