In reality, today man is standing on the verge of destruction and is rapidly moving towards the lap of death. Man has captured man with his selfishness. He can’t see anything today. He can only see selfishness. To fulfill this selfishness, today a competition is being made to use the most dangerous and difficult weapons. That is why today man is showing his immense power by making atomic bombs etc. for total destruction. It has forgotten everything that is right and what is wrong while creating this turbulent and fearful environment. Thus the entire world has reached a period of great unrest.
Today the need for world peace has become great and urgent. There are many reasons for this unrest. The main reason among these is that today many strong nations of the world do huge industries to keep other weak and powerless nations trapped in their clutches. For this, they are increasing their personal power and needs. Along with this, their contacts are constantly trying to provoke or instigate other powerless and small nations. In this way, today the whole world is seen divided into many parts, making daily efforts to reach the pit of mutual destruction. Therefore today the need for world peace is increasing.

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