National Voters Day 2024: Pledging to Vote

Dr. Nitan Sharma & Garvit Dubey

National Voters’ Day, observed on January 25th every year in India, is a significant occasion that celebrates the essence of democracy and encourages active participation in the electoral process. Instituted in 2011 by the Election Commission of India (ECI), National Voters’ Day aims to promote voter education, raise awareness about the importance of voting, and recognize the role of every eligible citizen in shaping the nation’s destiny. The theme on National Voters Day can range from the historical journey of democracy in our country to the transformative potential embedded in every vote. They emphasize the responsibilities that come with the democratic rights we hold and serve as a call to action for active and informed participation. The theme for this year is ‘Nothing like voting, I vote for sure’, which is a continuation from last year’s theme, and conveys an individual’s feeling and aspiration towards participation in the electoral process through the power of their vote.
In essence, National Voters Day in India serves as a rallying point for citizens to recognize the power they hold in their hands – the power to shape the course of their nation’s future by casting a vote. On National Voters’ Day, new voters are felicitated and handed over their Elector Photo Identity Card (EPIC). Just think once, that if we do not come forward and choose the right leader then the progress and development of the country will be hampered and will also affect the people of the country. It is the leader of the country who decides various basic big projects and several things.
The idea behind National Voters’ Day emerged from the need to commemorate the foundation of the Election Commission of India, which was established on January 25, 1950. The commission plays a crucial role in conducting free and fair elections across the country, ensuring the democratic principles enshrined in the Constitution are upheld.
Let us tell you that earlier the eligibility age of the voter was 21 years but in 1988 it was lowered to 18 years. This change, enshrined in the Sixty-First Amendment Bill of 1989, as well as the declaration of National Voters Day, has played a key role in increasing the participation of youths in the electoral or voting process. On this occasion, National Awards are also given to stakeholders such as EC icons, government departments and media groups for their outstanding role towards the contribution among voters. Through various activities, awareness campaigns, and events organized on this day, the focus is not only on the historical context of voting rights but also on fostering a sense of responsibility and pride in being an active participant in the democratic journey.
Encouraging the youth to participate in the electoral process becomes imperative to establish a robust foundation for the coming generations. And that is why National Voters Day, celebrated on the 25th of January every year, holds so much significance. It seeks to inspire and encourage citizens, particularly the youth, to register as voters and actively participate in the democratic process.
Objectives of National Voters’ Day:
Promoting Voter Education: One of the primary goals of National Voters’ Day is to educate citizens about the significance of their role in the democratic process. Voter education campaigns are organized to disseminate information about electoral procedures, voting rights, and the impact of citizens’ participation on the nation’s development. Encouraging Youth Participation: The day also aims to inspire and motivate young voters to actively engage in the electoral process. Special initiatives are undertaken to reach out to the youth, encouraging them to register as voters and exercise their right to vote responsibly. The day provides us with an opportunity to reflect on the significance of voting as a civic duty and to look at it as a tool for bringing about positive change in society. Inclusivity and Accessibility: National Voters’ Day emphasizes the importance of an inclusive and accessible electoral system. Efforts are made to ensure that every eligible citizen, regardless of socio-economic status, caste, or creed, has equal access to the voting process. Generally, the electoral commission allows a person to vote in the place where he or she resides or lives. If voting is done from two or more different places it is considered as an offense and this should be intimated to the Electoral Commission whenever he or she changes his or her place of living. Celebrating the Power of Democracy: The day serves as a reminder of the power that each voter holds in shaping the nation’s future. It encourages citizens to take pride in their democratic rights and responsibilities.
Activities on National Voters’ Day:
Voter Registration Drives: Various events and campaigns are organized to facilitate voter registration. Booth-level officers and volunteers work together to help eligible citizens enroll as voters.
Distribution of Voter ID Cards: On National Voters’ Day, new voter ID cards are often distributed to those who have recently registered. This symbolic gesture highlights the official recognition of an individual’s role in the democratic process.
Educational Programs: Educational programs play a central role in National Voters Day celebrations. Schools, colleges, and educational institutions actively participate in organizing seminars, workshops, and debates to educate students about the importance of voting. These programs serve as a foundational step in fostering a culture of civic responsibility, ensuring that citizens are well-informed about their democratic rights and duties.
Pledge-taking Ceremonies: Citizens are encouraged to take a pledge to uphold democratic values and exercise their voting rights responsibly. These ceremonies are conducted in various public spaces to involve the community.
Awards are conferred for their outstanding performance in the conduct of elections in various spheres including IT initiatives, Security Management, Election Management, Accessible Elections, and contribution in the field of voter awareness and outreach.
Seminars also play a vital role in Voters Day activities. Renowned speakers and experts in the field of democracy and governance are often invited to share insights and perspectives on the evolving nature of democratic participation. These seminars become platforms for citizens to deepen their understanding of the democratic principles that shape the nation. National Voters Day speech could be delivered by influential figures, political leaders, or community representatives. Speeches like these illuminate the vital role of active participation in shaping our democracy.
By giving a speech on National Voters Day, the speaker delves into the democratic ideals that underpin the nation and encourages citizens, both new and seasoned, to recognize the weight of their votes in shaping the collective future.
New voters also do take the voters pledge under some statutory authority which goes as “We, the Citizens of India, having abiding faith in democracy, hereby pledge to uphold the democratic traditions of our country and the dignity of free, fair and peaceful elections, and to vote in every election fearlessly and without being influenced by considerations of religion, race, caste, community, language or any inducement.”
On National Voters’ Day, we are reminded once again of the essential elements of democracy and the crucial part that citizens play in national administration. This day serves as a reminder that active citizen participation is essential to a robust and vibrant democracy by encouraging voter education, inclusivity, and youth participation. It is high time to recognize the fact that my vote is my duty. As we commemorate National Voters’ Day, let us reaffirm our dedication to democratic principles and acknowledge that every voter has the ability to influence the course of the country.
(The writers Garvit Dubey is student, The Law School, University of Jammu and Dr. Nitan Sharma, Assistant Professor, The Law School, University of Jammu).

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