MVD holds Road Safety Awareness Camp

JAMMU: The Motor Vehicle Department, Jammu, in collaboration with KC Public School, on Wednesday organised a Road Safety Awareness Camp in the school premises.
The awareness camp was organised as part of ongoing drive by the department to sensitise the school and college students about the importance of observance of the Road Safety Rules.
The students were shown films and power point presentation on Road Safety, especially on the need to observe Traffic Rules to avoid Traffic accidents.
Special emphasis was laid on risk involved in using mobile phones for texting and listening to music while walking on roads, importance of use of helmets and seat belts for safety. The students were also asked not to drive without driving licence.
The students of the school participated in the camp with great enthusiasm.
The Principal of the School Amarendra Mishra, RTO Jammu Arvind Kotwal, ARTO Jammu Kuldeep Singh, ARTO Board of Inspection Jugal Sharma, Motor Vehicle Inspector Sunil Cannie and MVI Avnish Sharma, staff of the school were also present on the occasion.
The RTO Jammu emphasised on the need for observance of the Road Safety Rules and called upon the students to further disseminate the message of Road Safety among the peer group and family members. He also stressed on the need for cautious driving inconformity with the Road Safety Norms and motor vehicle rules.
Principal, Amarendra Mishra thanked the Motor Vehicle Department for holding this session on Road Safety in the college and called upon the students to imbibe good practice that had been demonstrated to them in the programme to make the roads safe for driving.

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