Multiple bovine smuggling bids foiled, 118 bovines rescued


Jammu: In a significant crackdown under Operation Kamdhenu, the Jammu Police has once again demonstrated its unwavering commitment to curbing bovine smuggling. Early this morning, a vigilant team from Police Station Nagrota intercepted a smuggling attempt at the Ban Toll Plaza, rescuing 11 bovines and seizing a vehicle involved in the illicit activity.
The police team, acting on a tip-off, set up a naka point and successfully stopped a truck bearing the registration number JK02CC-5515. The driver, identified as Mohd Javid, son of Mohd Shafi, a resident of Khassan in District Reasi, was arrested on the spot. The rescued bovines were safely transported away, and the vehicle was impounded.
An FIR No. 174/2024 has been registered at PS Nagrota, and further investigation is underway to uncover more details about the smuggling network.
Samba Police also foiled two bovine smuggling attempts in the jurisdiction of Police Sub-Division Samba, rescued twenty bovines and seized vehicle.
Police teamof Police Post Rajpura(PS Ghagwal)headed by Incharge PP Rajpurahas successfully foiled bovine smuggling attempt during the early morning hours and rescued eighteen bovines which were being smuggled by foot near Rajpura. All the rescued bovines have been shifted to the safer place. However, the bovine smugglers managed to escape from the spot taking advantage of the darkness.
A case FIR No. 87/2024 U/S 188 IPC, 11 PCA Act has been registered at Police Station Ghagwal and investigation has been started.
Similarly, a Police team of Police Post Mansar (PS Samba) headed by Incharge PP Mansar while performing vehicle checking duty at nakaMansar, intercepted a vehiclebearing registration No. JK19A-1578 for checking. During checking of the vehicle, two bovines were found laden inside which were tied in a cruel manner and were being transported illegally without any valid permission. All the rescued bovines has been shifted to safer place.
A case FIR No. 157/2024 U/S 188 IPC, 11 PCA Act has been registered at Police Station Samba and investigation started.
Ramban Police also foiled 08 bovine smuggling attempts, registered 08 FIRs arrested 08 bovine smugglers, rescued 87 bovines and seized 07 vehicles.
Police team of Police station Chanderkote headed by SHO Chanderkote while performing vehicle checking duty intercepted a vehicle, held one person. During checking 07 bovines were found laden inside vehicle, which were tied in a cruel manner and were being transported illegally.
SHO Ramban also intercepted one vehicle and held one person.During checking 07 bovines were found laden inside the vehicle which were tied in a cruel manner and were being transported illegally. In another instance Police team of Police Station Ramsoo headed by SHO Ramsoo during vehicle checking duty intercepted 04 vehicles and held 04 persons.During checking 48 bovines were found laden inside the vehicles which were tied in a cruel manner and were being transported illegally.
In another instance Police Party of PS Banihal headed by SHO Banihal during patrolling duty intercepted one person who was taking 16 bovines on foot towards kashmir without permission of Competent Authority. In another instance Police Party of PS Dharamkund headed by SHO Dharamkund intercepted a vehicle and held one person. During checking 09 bovines were found laden inside the vehicle which were tied in a cruel manner and were being transported illegally towards Kashmir.
As a result, a total of 87 bovine Animals were rescued under the operation “KAMDHENU.” Subsequently, FIR No. 87/2024 registered at PS Chanderkote, FIR No. 132/2024 at PS Ramban, FIR Nos. 75/2024, 76/2024, 77/2024, 79/2024 were registered at Police Station Ramsoo, FIR No.99/2024 at Police Station Banihal and FIR No.29/2024 registered at Police Station Dharamkund under relevant sections of law and investigation initiated into these cases.

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