Modi govt ‘visible’, has ended policy paralysis: Shah

amit_shah_reuters_360_22New Delhi: NDA government is “visible” and pro-active unlike the previous regime, BJP Chief Amit Shah today said, affirming that its one year rule has brought the country out of policy paralysis, ended corruption and trust deficit and restored the dignity of Prime Minister’s office.

Listing out a host of initiatives taken in the past year, he said Narendra Modi government has strengthened the federal structure, improved India’s position abroad and is committed to bring back the black money as it takes the nation forward on the path of speedy progress.

“This is a visible government unlike the previous regime which would not be seen anywhere. We have also restored the dignity of the Prime Minister’s office. This government has come out of policy paralysis. The trust deficit is now over and the world is acknowledging India’s progress.

“We had pledged to eliminate corruption and we have provided a corruption-free regime. Our opponents are not able to make any allegation on corruption. I feel this is a big achievement of this government,” he said addressing a press conference here.

Attacking the Congress, he dared its leaders to present their “zero-loss theory” on allocation of coal and spectrum auctions again before the public, alleging that “UPA has mastered the art of presenting a lie as truth”.

Shah also said that whenever there is a Congress government, the country’s growth rate has fallen, but it has risen when BJP comes to power.

“What has Congress done to stop blackmoney in 60 years of its rule since independence,” he questioned and asserted that BJP is committed to taking legal steps to bring back blackmoney.

“No one will be spared and that is why a new law for unaccounted money stashed abroad has been brought by this government. I can assure you that no money will go out of this country henceforth,” he said.

He also attacked those who wanted names of unaccounted money in foreign banks to be disclosed and termed them as “counsel” for those who generate black money as disclosing names was in violation of international treaties.


Amit ShahGovernmentmodipolicy paralysis
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