Martial Art competition organized



R S PURA      :      Jaanbaaz Khalsa Gatka Academy  organised Fourth ‘Virsa Sambhal Gatka’ competition in which six teams from Miransahib, Phinder, Laswara, Simbal, Dablehar and Chatha participated.  The aim of this competition was to aware the youth, especially girls to be defensive by learning Sikh Marshal Art known as ‘Gatka’ besides advising them to maintain good health and keep themselves away from drugs.

The Miran Sahib team was adjudged first, Phinder team first runner-up and Dablehar team as second runner-up. The prizes were distributed among the winning teams by Jathedar Manmohan Singh (Poonch Wale).

Prizes were also distributed among the students who excelled in the academic field.

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