The Maha Kumbh 2025 has occurred after a very long time of 144 years is thus a rare phenomenon of planetary alignments .It is the biggest human ,religious congregations of India and one of the world’s biggest congregations attracting crores of devotees and people not only from India, but from all over the globe. Beyond religiosity, spirituality, divinity, faith, Maha Kumbh is the spectacle of unity rather unity in diversity as well as cultural extravaganza. Maha Kumbh ,held every 144 years, symbolizes cosmic alignment enhancing the collective consciousness. The Maha Kumbh is a festival that incorporated science, astrology and spirituality. The dates of Maha Kumbh are calculated using scientific techniques, the majority of which utilize planetary placements. .Kumbh Mela is a profound celebration of faith, spirituality, and Maha Kumbh or simply Kumbh is symbol of not only India’s unity but is the instance of world human unity and it vividly is the extension and reflection of the Indian cultural and Sanatan doctrine of Vasudevkutumbkam which means that whole world is but a one family and Maha Kumbh is the living, best and beautiful example of world being one family. Unity in diversity permeates from Maha Kumbh and essential oneness of the world is best exemplified by this biggest congregation .Maha Kumbh is not only a religious ,spiritual and divine gathering of men, women, children, young ,old and even of the transgenders- kinners but is besides the confluence of the three sacred rivers of Ganga, Yamuna and mystical sarswati ,a confluence of religion, divinity, faith ,spirituality ,India’s unity in diversity .It is in fact a spectacle and tamashi reflecting Indian culture and traditions vividly and clearly. Thus what permeates to the eye is the sangam of humanity and its essential unity as the devotees and people from all parts of India and beyond it participate in this grand religious and pilgrim tourist extravaganza and the beautiful thing about the Kumbh Mela is that it is not solely a Hindu and Indian festival as the people of different religions from India and even abroad are visiting Prayaj Raj and take a dip in the holy water at the sangam. Hindus seek to purify their sins and cleanse the impurities of their soul and also to seek Mukti that is Moksha which is salvation meaning liberation from the cycle of birth and death. People from other faiths also take great pleasure in participating in the Kumbh or Maha Kumbh Mela and they also take dip in the holy waters and see this world’s one of the largest gatherings as symbolizing and showing the cultural vibrancy and dynamism of India. It is no ordinary matter but is in fact extraordinary that in Kumbh and Maha Kumbh people and devotees from all the four corners of the world are attracted towards this festival and it is shows that Maha Kumbh has gravitational attraction and thus attracts people from very far and wide. Besides, the holy dip in the trivani ,the saints, religious gurus and sadhus from India and abroad assemble in Maha Kumbh at Prayaj Raj and give religious and discourses on culture and Sanatan Dhrama, thereby making the people assembled here aware of their great and grand Sanatan Dharma ,cultural heritage and the flourishing of unity in diversity as this largest gathering is the best ,pristine and glorious symbol of unity in diversity for which India is famous throughout the world as people from other faiths and countries shower heaps of praises and appreciation of India for practicing and following its golden doctrine of unity in diversity which is the hallmark and distinctive characteristic feature of India and its culture and its governance and political system. Maha Kunmbh fosters patriotism ,nationalism and above all Indian-ness that is Bharatiyata in its entirety. So the importance and significance of Maha Kumbh transcends religious barriers and people from various faith embrace it and are benefitted with its experience and cultural grandeur. The fact that People from all across India are visiting Prayaj Raj and taking part in religious rituals and ceremonies besides taking a holy dip in the waters of Sangam of the three sacred rivers is enough to surmise that people of India are basically and essentially religious and spiritual and thus they are attracted towards this pilgrimage of rare occurrence and they seek blessings of the Almighty and also seek forgiving of their sins. Indian’s irrespective of their religious belief are visiting Prayaj Raj and they participate in their own way in the Maha Kumbh and thus the meaning and significance of Maha Kumbh cannot be restricted to Hinduism and Sanatan dharma as it is the festival of humanity as the sea of humanity is visiting this place and Prayaj Raj has become not only mini-India which in fact it is, it has become a mini-world. So there is no exaggeration in labeling Maha Kumbh as the festival of humanity as its contours go beyond our national boundaries and embrace and attract the devotees and people from across the world. In fact Maha Kumbh is the marvelous as well as mesmerizing and enchanting experience and it is a best, beautiful and glorious pageant of religiosity, divinity ,spirituality, faith and above all of togetherness and Indianness. Maha Kumbh will disseminate knowledge, education and information about the essential unity of the mankind and it throws light on the Sanatan doctrine of whole world being one family and world being the multiplication of self. In the end it can be said that Maha Kumbh is of great importance to not only to India’s, but it is the great saga of humanity. It teaches and preaches the unity of humankind. We should not belittle the significance of Maha Kumbh but celebrate its humanity and universal appeal and importance.
(The author is a columnist, social, KP activist)