Lord Shree Jagannath Ji Ratha Yatra symbolize unity in diversity

Omkar Dattatray

This is one of the most important processions/yatra taken out annually in Puri Odisa which begins on Ashadha Shukla Paksha Dwitiya and ends on Ashadha Shukla Dashmi .Lord Shree Jagannath Ji Chariot Yatra is an annual procession which is mainly taken out in Puri. However Jagannath Ji Ratha yatras are taken in various cities of India including Jammu, though biggest procession is taken out in Puri Odisha for which the preparations begin months in advance. The Ratha Yatra of Puri ,also rendered as the Ratha Jatra is the oldest and largest Hindu Chariot festival celebrated annually on the bright half of the lunar month of Ashada {June-July}. The festival is held at the city Puri ,in the state of Odisha, India and is associated with the deity Jagannath -a form of Vishnu or Krishna. Rath Yatra processions have been historically common in Vishnu -related {Jagannath, Rama, Krishna} traditions in Hinduism across India .Western impressions of the Jagannath Ratha Yatra in Puri as a display of unstoppable force are the origin of the English word Juggernaut. Rath Yatra is derived from two Sanskrit words, Ratha, which means chariot or carriage, and Yatra which means journey or pilgrimage. In other Indian languages such as Odia, the phonetic equivalents are used, such as Jatra.
A stunning example of Kalinga architecture is the famous Jagannath Temple, which was constructed in the 12th century by king Anantavarman Chodaganga Deva .The goddesses Subhadra, Balabhadra, and Lord Jagannath reside in this hallowed shrine.
The festival of Rath Yatra ,which draws pilgrims ,devotees and visitors from all over India and world ,is closely linked to the history of Jagannath Temple. It is one of the biggest processions and congregation held in Puri Odisha and is famous throughout India and abroad.
Preparations for Rath Yatra 2024 is being planned months in advance, with artisans building the enormous chariots for the Gods. Every year, each chariot is constructed from scratch utilizing particular wood species and customary blueprints .The largest chariot belongs to Lord Jagannath and is named Nandighosa. Taladhwaje belongs to Balabhadra and Darapadalana to Subhdra.
On day one a custom known as Pahandi ,the gods are ceremoniously taken out of the Jagannath Temple on the day of the Ratha Yatra. Devotees are dancing and chanting in the streets during this colorful and joyful celebration.
After that, the gods are mounted on their appropriate chariots and prepared to travel to Gundicha Temple .On day one of the chariot festival Rstha Yatra, the atmosphere is electrifying with excitement and dedication as thousands of devotees pull the chariots. There is singing ,dancing and nonstop hymn chanting during the three -kilometer trek to Gundicha Temple. The yearly pilgrimage of Lord Jagannath and his siblings to their birthplace is represented by this procession. Thereafter begins the nine -day Sojourn .Upon reaching Gundicha Temple ,the deities are welcomed with elaborate rituals .They stay at the Gundicha Temple for nine days, during which various religious ceremonies and cultural events take place .This period is known as the Gundicha Yatra ,where devotees can offer prayers and seek blessings from the deities.The return journey nine day later ,the gods set out on the Bahuda Yatra ,a trek back to back to the Jagannath Temple .Devotees drag the chariots back to their original abode in this equally magnificent event .For the devotees ,the trip back is a time of great joy and celebration .The Golden attire at the Rath Yatra ,the Suna Besha ,where the gods are decked out in gold jewelry and decorations is one of the highlights .The day following the gods return to the Jagannath Temple is when this magnificent ceremony takes place. The finale of the Rath yatra celebrations is the stunning sight of the deities dressed in gold ,drawing thousands of devotees.Besides,Puri,Rath Yastra of Lord Jagannath are taken out in various cities across the country with great devotion and dedication as well as enthusiasm .The taking out of the Lord Jagannath Rath Yatra at various places unites whole India and it attracts pilgrims from far and wide. The biggest procession of the Carrying the Chariots of Lord Jagannath, Subhdra and Balbhdra is a magnificent and marvelous sight to see and it attracts the devotees and people drag the chariots and thousands take part in the Yatra. Some dance ,play music and others chant nonstop hymn in praise of the three deities. This event is not only a religious and spiritual journey but it depicts our rich ,diverse and vibrant culture and thus we can say that Lord Jagannath Ratha Yatra is the manifestation and reflection of unity in diversity as the people of various faiths and cultures take part in the yatra and this is a spectacle to see and it is fascinating and soothing to eyes. The Jagannath Yatra is taken at various places in the country and it unites the people of various faiths into one and it is a big and marvelous sight to see and watch and the devotees and visitors take great pride to be part of this Yatra. Lord Jagannath Yatra has got religious ,spiritual and cultural importance and it has economic significance as well. This Yatra transcends the religious barriers as the people of various faiths take part in this event of far reaching significance. Jagannath Yatra has the potential of uniting whole India and it is the best example of unity in diversity for which India is famous throughout the world .We should take part in such Yatras as they help not only in religious and spiritual awakening but also lead to national awakening and national integration. Jagannath Rath Yatra gives the message of love ,brotherhood ,communal harmony besides being a religious and spiritual sojourn. People of Orissa and other parts of the country eagerly and anxiously wait for this annual Yatra and they consider themselves very blissful and feel proud to be part of this Yatra. The people of India and the world watch Lord Jagannath Yatra in Televisions and radios .Such Yatras also brings the people of world together and it also makes the people of the world aware of the religious, spiritual. cultural aspects of this annual event .The Rath Yatra festival has become a common sight in most major cities of the world since 1968 through the Hare Krishna movement. Local chapters put on the festival annually in over a hundred cities worldwide and this way the people of the world come closer and also come to know about the culture of India. May Lord Jagannath, goddess Subhadra and Balbhdra remove terrorism from the Jammu & Kashmir and bring peace ,prosperity and happiness to India.
(The author is a columnist, social and KP activist)

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