LOP Insults Hindus, Are Hindus Violent?

Er. P.L. Khushu

LOP of the newly constituted parliament brazenly insulted the Hindus by calling them as violent people. Will he become the prime minister of India through his so called inherited legacy of Nehru – Gandhi dynasty, with such mediocre statements, of maligning Hindus and thus Hinduism? Let him introspect his worthiness about it. Do shabby insults and utterances about a major section of population of India by any one , for achieving laurels as a political leader, that too of a dynasty base, which is now fighting for its existence, pay such a person with worth and honor. Is this his “Balak Budhi” as suggested by Modi, while retorting him back with a politically loaded fierce speech in the parliament, which the LOP deserved. Has he given such a communal speech to win the sympathies of the Muslims of India for his vote bank politics, under a well devised plan of dividing the people of India on communal lines under a proper plan? Yes it appears so. If it is so, then the displaced Kashmiri Pandits, who are the worst victims of the Islamic fundamentalism in Kashmir, silently abetted and aided by the congress party, during its rules under the slogans of pseudo secularism, curse and admonish him for his such statements as they being the most tolerant Hindus had to suffer at the hands of non Hindus. Can he justify it? In fact congress is basically responsible for the uprooting of KP’s from Kashmir, while encouraging the local dynasty based Muslim political parties to rule Kashmir for decades, with a concealed set up of mind, for its vote bank politics, to appease the Muslim majority of Kashmir. KP’s condemn such an intolerant statement of the LOP given in parliament against the Hindus, as they are the worst hit Hindus of this country, due to the double standards of the congress party which ruled India for decades. Since the LOP has insulted all the Hindus of this nation, he needs to be told that he is on bail, apart from having been pulled up by the Hon’ble supreme court of India for his un called for abuses against Modi, a well known secular and democratic prime minister of India.
Does he become taller with such postures, presuming with a blind thought within himself, that he is the best contestant, who can brow beat Modi and exhibit that he is the only choice left in the country to replace him.
With such utterances in the parliament he has made a self goal for congress, when he has done it on earlier occasions too and he was made to resign as the congress president. His other family members are trying their best to push him through and make him the prime minister of India somehow, yet, his common factor of intelligent quotient is not that ripe which can elevate him as the prime minster of India. It is day dreaming for him as also for his other family members. A famous proverb which says that ” if wishes were horses, beggars would ride”. That is the situation for him. Is he worth it? He should ask this question to his own self. The other allies of the congress party who are sacred of Modi as a crusader against corruption, badly used him in the recent elections to their advantages, when congress could not cross its tally beyond 100 M.P seats in parliament and the other allies of I.N.D.I Alliance scored much better in these elections, at the cost of the congress party. Even the congress was totally routed out from its base in some important states of India. Let congress party introspect about it. Present congress party is happy that it has made ” Raj-Kumar” the LOP, obliging the left over “Kings and Queens ” of the erstwhile congress party, the then powerful national level political party of India, governed and controlled by veteran and educated political brains and acumens of India of that time. Congress is now reduced to the status of a minor regional level political party in most of the states of India and has equally lost its base in most of the states of India. Congress party is presently managed by some sycophant leaders of south India as its managing and governing leaders, who are dancing to the tunes of its dynasty based political mentors of congress, who have a single aim to project its Raj Kumar’s and Raj Kumaries as the rulers of India, which in all probability is a day dream for them. This notion of congress party may have serious repercussions on the overall governance of this country as congress party is all hell-bent to create chaos and confusions within various sections and groups of the Indian society, particularly on religious and caste basis, to get power of administering the nation, with the ” Raj Kumar” as its leader, by hook or crook. The LOP has not spoken such derogatory words against the Hindus thorough innocence. He has done it willfully to thank his voters from the minorities of India who added about 40 more seats to the congress tally of the parliamentary seats of 2019, by voting for congress while congress was fighting elections in alliance with the other regional parties. With such an alliance congress helped the regional political parties to fair much better in these elections, while surrendering its claim on most of the seats, just to ensure that BJP losses in most of the belts where Muslims and the other minorities were more in number.
It is a vicious game plan of the of congress party and its allies the I.N.D.I Alliance, to see the end of BJP rule with Modi as the prime minister to get back their lost power and positions as dynasty based political parties, at any cost, which may jeopardized even the security and the stability of India. They are happy to see Rahul Gandhi as the LOP as these disgruntled political parties, which are dynasty based and mostly regional in its shape and formations are using him to garner their mischievous aims and objectives of coming back to power, with his immature utterances and intolerant postures of exhibiting his absolute incompetence to be a perfect leader of the masses of India which is a vast country with a population of 140 crores. This political alliance which includes congress party as well are now fully determined to spread hate and chaos in the country like saying that constitution is in danger, there is no democracy in the country, minorities rights are at stakes, regional aspirations are being curbed, seeking extra reservations for Muslims, Dalits and the like. The people across the country have to assess the intensions behind such moves of these alliance partners, as they are not doing so for the people, but for their own interest as there is no threat to the constitution, to the democracy in India when the democracy is at its peak presently in India, appropriate reservations have been provided to the needy, regional balances are very well in place.
If people of India, fall a prey to these poisonous admirations of the I.N.D.I. Alliance, being processed through an immature LOP, there can be a situation of complete unrest in the country along with attempts to divide the people of India on cast and religion basis, with a greedy ambitions of these political alliance partners, to come back to power and destabilize the Modi government, which is on a mission to eradicate corruption of sorts from the country, as also to provide people akin development of all sorts across the country. This is evinced by the fact that India has attained a status of 5th place in the zone of world economy and is on its path to reach to the 3rd position soon in this regard.
The LOP and his other family members are in deep slumber to presume that it is he who has the absolute right of becoming the prime minster of India, being the great grandson of Nehru, grandson of Indra Gandhi and the son of Rajiv Gandhi. This dynastic mind set of most of the political leaders of India, which came together to oppose Modi in the shape of I.N.D.I. Alliance are all dynasty linked and are unable to compromise with the present democratic governing situations of India, which is mostly free from adverse corruption and nepotism. During the recent election campaigns, such divisive elements spread canards that if BJP gets more than 400 seats the constitution of India will be amended to the distress of the minorities. Congress party took the lead in this lie. They succeeded to make small dent among the minority community voters who voted for these political parties, thus polarizing the political atmosphere badly, almost making it a communal fight within the peace loving citizens of India.
The general population of India have to be alarmed with such attitudes and designs of such unholy alliances of such political parties, which are loaded with a smoky mind set of dividing India on caste, color, culture and religion basis, for their survivals as the dynasty based political parties, as the only worthy political clans to rule and govern India.
Kashmiri pundits who are displaced from their homes and hearths for the last about 35 years due to such acrimonious communal trends in Kashmir, abetted by congress, can understand it better as they are living as refugees in their own country for the last 35 years when no body incuding congress is bothered about it. Could the LOP quote it too in parliament. He cannot. His Muslim acquaintances as his vote bank treasure will dupe him.
Such political alliances are mostly doing it to keep their progenies alive and ensure their crowning as the rulers in various forms to rule India or the Indian states in one form or the other, even if these progenies are uneducated and illiterate, when the instances are not wanting in this regard.
Coming back to the acrimonious statement of the LOP in the parliament of India, about Hindus, let him know what a Hindu means and stands for.
For Vivekananda, a Hindu, first and foremost, is a person who subscribes to the doctrines and practices of Hinduism. Although it is true that Vivekananda identifies the essence of Hinduism with the Vedanta tradition and, quite specifically, with the Advaita world-view, he does not limit his use of the term to the Vedanta or Advaita traditions only. Hinduism, for Vivekananda, is an umbrella term embracing Vaishnavites, Shaivites, Shaktas, Vishishtadvaitins, Dvaitins and Advaitins. The significant point here is that both terms describe a religious identity. “If a Hindu is not spiritual”, says Vivekananda, “I do not call him a Hindu.”
So a Hindu is a soul who is spiritually elevated, so how can he be violent.
In Swami Vivekananda’s first major address before the Parliament of Religions, delivered on 19th September, 1893, he consistently uses the word ‘Hindu’ as indicative of religious belief. In one of his most important addresses entitled, “The Common Basis of Hinduism”, and delivered in the city of Lahore after his return to India from the Parliament, Swami Vivekenanda identified the doctrines shared by all Hindus. A Hindu, according to Vivekananda, is one who believes in the following: the authority of the Vedas, God, the cyclical order of creation, preservation and dissolution, the immortality of the atman and its innate purity and perfection, reincarnation and religion as realization and not as a dogma of fanaticism.
So a Hindu not by name only is non violent but by legacy of his birth too. It is a “Karmic’ grace of a “Hindu’ who gets born as a “Hindu” with spiritual objectives and aims in his or her life.
Hindu mythology believes in Vasudhaiva- Kutumbhakam. The phrase Vasudhaiva-Kutumbhakam is a Sanskrit word comprising of words as ” Vasudha” — the Earth, “Eva”- is and ” Kutumbhakam”- the family.
Vasudhaiva-Kutumbhakam, is a philosophy, which indicates that the whole world is one family. It is a social theory originating from a spiritual concept and understanding that entire humanity is made of one life energy.
The fundamental pillars of Vasudhaiva- Kutumbhakam are love and harmony, co-operation and mutual understanding and support. Vasudhaiva- Kutumbhakam, believes that the whole world is a garden of God. Let us not spoil it or do anything that would create the feelings of hatred. Thus the concept of Vasudhaiva- Kutumbhakam , can help in bringing unity and harmony in the universe.
Our Prime Minister Narendra Modi used this phrase in a speech at the “World Cultural Festival” organized by the Art of living, saying that, “Indian Culture is very rich and has inculcated each one of us with great values”. “We are the people who have come from (Aham Brahamasmi to Vasudhaiva- Kutumbhakam)”. Thus it means that the people living on this planet earth belong to the family of Vasudhaiva- Kutumbhakam, which means that all the human beings on earth are the members of the same family. So we pray to the God as:-
“Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah”, ” Sarve Santu Niramaya” ,
“Sarve Bhadrani Pasantu”, Ma Kaschid Dukh Bhaag Bhavet”,
“Om Shaantie , Shaantie, Shaantie”.
Its meaning being: – May all become happy, May all be healthy (free from diseases), May all see what is auspicious, May no one suffer in any way. Om, Peace, Peace, Peace.
Vasudeva kutumbakam, is a phrase from the Hindu text the Maha Upanishad that is typically translated as “the world is one family.” It is so valued that it is engraved in the entry to India’s new parliament building. The term comes from the ancient Sanskrit vasudeva, which means the Eternal Reality, and kutumbaka, meaning “family.” In the alternate spelling, vasudha means the Earth. The overall meaning of the expression is the same, that all of the world, universe or reality is one. In context, the verse vasudeva kutumbakam describes the yogi who has reached the highest level on his spiritual journey and no longer has attachments to material things. Although the Maha Upanishad is the original source of the adage, it has influenced Hindu literature and philosophy since. The Bhagavata Purana describes vasudeva kutumbakam as the “loftiest Vedantic thought.” It affirms the worth of all life – human, animal and plants – and the value of their interconnectedness on Earth and in the universe, just as the goal of yoga is unity.
This is the basic faith of the Hindu philosophy, which belongs to the cult of Hindus. It is the sole aim of a Hindu and his ism, the Hinduism. Where is the scope of any violence in a Hindu?
Let the LOP learn from the manuscripts of Hindus about the word Hindu, before portraying the images of lord Shiva and the like in the parliament, to exhibit his knowledge about Hindus and its ism, the Hinduism. These child like acts speak of enough of immaturity in the LOP. God save the country if such souls become the Kings of the country to rule the country.
(The author is a chartered consultant civil engineer, who loves his mother land the union territory of Jammu & Kashmir)

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