Loot of green gold in Bhadarwah goes unabated

BHADARWAH: In an open loot of green gold in Gandow Range of Bhadarwah Forest Division, several young trees including Deodar tress were found lying on ground inside different compartments not only causing damage to the environment, but also to State exchequer.
The local inhabitants blamed forest officials nexus with timber smugglers and in a well planned manner cut the green trees and supply the timber to influential persons and also to the people living in and around Gandow town. The locals said that after cutting the green trees, the persons involved in looting of green gold put the tree trunk on fire which not only pollut the atmosphere, but also causes threat to the forest area . The local inhabitants also raise questions on Forest Protection Forces over their failure in taking action and reporting the matter to higher authorities regarding the green felling.
“You can see forest fire all around at many places this is all the handiwork of timber smugglers and Forest Department turns blind eye towards this” said Youth President JKNPP Nearaj Manhas while talking to this media person. He said that after public complaint, he personally visited the area and found the public concern regarding green felling in Gandow Range as true and genuine. He said that after visiting the Gandow forest areas in different compartments the green feeling claim of locals is evident on ground.
Manhas also said that Bhadarwah town is hardly 1 to 2 KM distance from nearby forest area and demanded that government should declared whole district as one zone with uniform sale rates at various timber depots established by the department at various places. It is pertinent to mention that forest officer-smugglers nexus is galore in many areas of Chenab circle spread over three districts Viz Doda, Kishtwar and Ramban causing lot of damage to State exchequer, besides creating environmental hazards in the area.

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