Life term in advocate’s murder case


JAMMU: Principal Sessions Judge Jammu R.S Jain on Monday awarded life-imprisonment to one Raj Singh, son of Khajur Singh, resident of Toph Manhasan, Tehsil Jammu who was facing trial in murder case of one Advocate Karan Singh.
According to prosecution on 4th April, 1999, information was received from reliable source by police post Phallian Mandal, Jammu that on the same day at 10:45 AM at Toph Manhasan, accused Raj Singh son of Khajur Singh resident of Toph Manhasan on the basis of previous enmity in connection with partition of land having intention to murder his brother Karan Singh and shot said Karan Singh fatally by firing a shot from his .303 rifle and killed him on spot. During the firing, Ram Lal son of Nanak Chand was also injured. On the receipt of the report from the police post FIR no.33/99 for offence under section 302/307 RPC 3/25 Arms Act was registered at Police Station Satwari. During investigation, the IO recorded the statements of the witnesses, prepared the site plan and took further steps in the investigation of the case. On conclusion of investigation, the IO found the accused guilty of offence under Sections 302/307/323 RPC/3/25 Arms Act and accordingly filed the present challan against the accused Raj Singh.
Principal Sessions Judge Jammu R.S Jain observed that imprisonment for life shall be adequate sentence in the present case. Accordingly, accused Raj Singh, son of Khajur Singh, resident Toph Manhasan, Tehsil Jammu is sentenced to undergo imprisonment for life and a fine of Rs. 6000 for offence under section 302 RPC in causing the murder of Karan Singh. In default of payment of fine, the accused shall undergo imprisonment for six months. Accused is also sentenced to three years imprisonment and fine of Rs.1000 in proof of offence under section 3/25 Arms Act. In default of payment of fine, the accused shall further undergo imprisonment for one month. The sentences shall, however, run concurrently. The sentence of imprisonment for life, however, shall be subject to confirmation by the High Court. JNF

Life term
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