LG Manoj Sinha inaugurates National Tribal Festival


Inaugurated National Tribal Festival, which celebrates rich tribal cultural heritage & traditions. The festival aims to provide an opportunity to tribal artisans, entrepreneurs to promote their unique handicrafts, textiles, artworks and traditional products.

J&K Govt is dedicated to serve the poor section of society. It is providing land to landless citizens who were ignored in the past. However, some influential people & their associates, who had grabbed state land, think that poor section should not utilize the Govt resources.

They must understand that such discriminatory system was abolished on 5th August 2019. Now we are marching ahead with one resolve and one aim that poorest of the poor, dalits, OBCs and tribal community have the first right on Govt resources.

Tribal community has laid the strong foundation for the country to prosper. For centuries, the community acted as a bridge connecting our cultural ethos & conserving our biodiversity. Their determined contribution to development process is a source of inspiration for all of us.

We understand dreams of tribal youth and encouraging them every way possible so that they do not fall behind anyone in the age of accelerated change. Efforts are being made to ensure that every benefit is available to them, tweets official Twitter profile of The Office of Lt. Governor of J&K

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