LG, Azad, DGP express grief over loss of lives in Poonch accident


SRINAGAR: Lieutenant Governor, Manoj Sinha, has expressed grief over the loss of lives in a tragic road accident in Poonch.
In a condolence message, the Lt Governor said, “Extremely pained by the death of Ranbir Singh Bali, Director of Finance, Forest, Ecology and Environment Department, his wife and son in the tragic road accident in Poonch. My heartfelt condolences to the members of the bereaved family. Prayers for the speedy recovery of the daughter, who was injured in the accident. I have instructed the district administration to provide all necessary assistance to the bereaved family”.
Chairman Democratic Progressive Azad Party (DPAP) Ghulam Nabi Azad offered his condolence to Bali family on the loss of Ranbir’s wife and son in the same accident.
“The news of the death of Ranbir Singh, his wife Parvinder Kour and son Irvan Singh in a tragic accident is shocking as the loss of lives is unbearable. The recovery of daughter Mahreen Kour in stable condition is heart filling. I express my deepest condolences and sympathy to the bereaved family at this hour of grief and pray for eternal peace to the departed souls,” Azad said.
Azad also offered his condolences to the families of those persons who were killed after their bus was hit by a landslide near Bhanghroo Gandoh village of Doda district on Sunday morning.
Expressing condolence to the families of Amir Sohail, resident of Kahara Doda and Mudasir Ali of Halore Changa, Azad directed his party leaders and workers to reach out to kin of the victims and those injured in the accident.
A condolence and prayer meeting was convened by JAKFAS, which was presided over by Chief Secretary, Dr Arun Kumar Mehta to mourn the demise of Ranbir Singh Bali, along with his wife and son. Dr Mehta expressed deep sorrow over the loss of precious lives in a fatal accident. The Principal Secretary, Forest Ecology and Environment Department Dheeraj Gupta also offered his heartfelt condolences and praised the Ranbir Singh Bali for his outstanding work as a senior finance officer and his compassionate nature. The condolence message of Principal Secretary, Finance, Santosh D. Vaidya was read out by DG, Audit & Inspections, Fayaz Ahmad in which he has expressed his deep shock and bereavement over these loss of lives.
In addition, Director General Budget, Yaqoob Itoo, and Director General Accounts and Treasuries, Mahesh Das, attended the condolence meeting.
The Director General of Police (DGP) J&K, Dilbag Singh condoled and expressed grief over the sad and untimely demise of Ranbir Singh Bali, his wife and son.
DGP has conveyed his heartfelt condolences to the bereaved family and relatives of the deceased and prayed for the departed souls.
He also prayed for the speedy recovery of the injured daughter of the deceased officer who was also traveling with them.
Meanwhile, the Finance Department expressed grief over the demise of Ranbir Singh Bali, his wife and son.
The condolence message reads “It is with profound sadness and a heavy heart that we come together to share the devastating news of an unimaginable tragedy. Our exceptional colleague, Ranbir Singh Bali, Director Finance, Forest, Ecology and Environment Department, an officer of the highest Caliber in the Finance Department, his beloved wife and son, lost their lives in a fatal road accident. Our souls are weighed down by grief as we try to comprehend the magnitude of this immense loss. Only their daughter, a survivor in the face of unthinkable odds, remains to bear witness to the shattered remnants of a once joyous family.
In this moment of profound sorrow, we struggle to find the words that could adequately convey the depth of our emotions. The pain we feel is indescribable, and the void left by their absence is immeasurable. The JAKFAS mourns not only the loss of an exceptional officer, but also the extinguishing of a beautiful family, united by love and shared dreams. Ranbir Singh Bali, a true luminary within our organization, was a beacon of financial expertise and acumen. His brilliance spanned across departments, as he contributed his remarkable skills to various facets of our organization. His dedication and commitment to excellence were an inspiration to all who had the privilege of working alongside him. Through his exceptional financial & administrative expertise, he paved the way for success and growth, leaving an indelible mark on the Finance Department. As we struggle to come to terms with this devastating news, let us remember the remarkable contributions Bali made to the Finance Department and the lives he touched along the way. His wisdom, guidance, and genuine care for his colleagues and subordinates created an atmosphere of camaraderie and shared success. We will forever be grateful for the invaluable mentorship he provided, shaping the careers of many who had the privilege of working with him. In the wake of this profound loss, our thoughts, prayers, and support extend to the surviving daughter. We stand united, ready to offer our comfort, assistance, and a shoulder to lean on during this dark and tumultuous time. Words alone cannot ease the pain that consumes us, but together; we can find solace in our shared memories and in supporting one another through this arduous journey of healing. Our thoughts and prayers remain with her, and we offer our support as she navigates the difficult road ahead.
In this time of immeasurable grief, let us lean on one another, united in our sorrow and united in our commitment to heal.” The Director Accounts and Treasuries, Jammu, Director Finance (Principal) NZATI/Joint Director Fund Office/Deputy Director A&I alongwith other senior officers and staff members of Accounts & Treasuries Organization also expressed deep remorse, profound grief and heartfelt condolences on sad and untimely demise of Ranbir Singh Bali. Homage was paid by observing two minutes silence in the Conference Hall of the Directorate of Accounts & Treasuries, Jammu. The participants prayed to almighty to bestow everlasting peace to the departed soul and give courage to the bereaved family to bear the irreparable loss.

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