SRINAGAR: Minister for Transport, Abdul Ghani Kohli on Tuesday directed RTO Jammu to constitute a panel that would look into the cause and ambiguities leading to the tragic accident at Latti, Udhampur on Monday in which several precious lives were lost.
The minister has sought a report in this regard within a week. He also called for fixing responsibility so that appropriate action is taken.
Kohli asked the traffic authorities to ensure better coordination with the concerned agencies to avert such mishaps in future. He said adequate corrective measures should be taken to avoid recurrence of such tragic incidents.
The minister said that the Motor Vehicles Act would be further strengthened and drivers involved in overloading, rash driving and other traffic violations would be dealt with severely under the law.
Stressing on prompt and fair implementation of road safety measures, the minister instructed the concerned officials for putting in place an effective mechanism like installation of crash barriers, checking overloading and rash driving to ensure safety of passengers. Praying for eternal peace to the departed souls, the minister conveyed his condolences to the bereaved families.