Killari quake survivors lend helping hand to Nepal

anna hazareLatur: The survivors of the earthquake which had claimed over 8,000 lives in 1993 here today joined hands to lend support to the victims in Nepal, who are reeling after the devastating quake.

Social activist Anna Hazare today launched the relief campaign, initiated by NGO Bharat Vikas Pratishthan, during a function in Latur district’s Killari, which was the epicentre of the 1993 quake.

Hazare lauded the initiative, saying helping people in distress is real service of humanity.

“Instead of contributions to a temple, contributing to such a noble cause is more valuable,” Hazare said.

“Helping those in need is real worship of God,” he said.

The relief material collected by people of Killari and adjoining regions, which bore the brunt of the 1993 quake, comprises 200 ‘family kits’, Pratishthan chief Vinayak Patil said.

“The content of each kit includes essential items on which an affected family will be able to survive for a month.

It comprises items like stove, grains, dal, cereals, pulses, spices, sugar nutritional items for children, biscuits and glucose,” Patil said.

“I will be going to Nepal along with these articles and ensure proper distribution among quake affected people there. This is the humble contribution from those who have undergone the trauma of killer quake which had claimed around 8,000 lives,” he said adding, “We understand the anguish of Nepalese people.”

Over 7,500 people have died in the Himalayan country after a temblor measuring 7.9 on the Richter scale struck it on April 25.


Anna Hazarehelping handKillari quakeNepalNGOrelief campaign
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