Kathua girl becomes an overnight sensation

 Malu Kerni
Isha Andotra has become an overnight sensation on social networking sites like Facebook and Whatsapp after her video in which Isha sang a popular Punjabi song ‘Nit Di Naraazgi Teri, Meri Kad Ke Na Jaan Le Jave’ on request from her friends was uploaded on a social networking site. Within few days, the song became a popular choice of viewers on internet and got over 2, 18, 000 shares on Facebook only and over 75 lakh online views.
Isha hails from a small village Madha Patti in Mahanpur Tehsil, of Kathua district. She is a student of BA 2nd year, Mahanpur degree college.
It is pertinent to note here that Isha is not active on any of the social networking sites. She doesn’t even own a mobile phone. Isha Andotra told STATE TIMES that the video was recorded by one of her friends and she didn’t know how the video got viral on FB and Whatsapp. She was on an EVS exposure trip with college from where she went to Atal Setu with her friends and on their request; she sang a Punjabi song in a very casual way. She did not even know that one of her friend is recording and she will upload it on social media sites and she will become so popular.
Isha also shared that she is very fond of painting and has made a number of paintings using water colours. She hates to sit idle and is always busy doing one or the other thing. She is also an active social worker and love to do things that would add to the development of her village.
Isha’s sister Manisha is also a singer and has a beautiful voice. Both practice together and she is feeling proud that her younger sister has become so popular and her talent is appreciated.
Her father Ashok Kumar Andotra is also happy and feeling proud. While talking to STATE TIMES he shared that he was not aware of the hidden talent of her daughter but now that she has become so popular, the whole village is proud of her. Stressing on education, he said that he would definitely support her daughter to fulfil her dream in this field but firstly, he would like to give proper education and he wish that her daughter would first focus on studies and then on her singing passion.
Isha’s mother Krishna Devi said that she is feeling on top of the world. She said that she always wishes a bright future for her daughter and wants that Isha first completes her education and then takes up singing or whatever she want to do in her life.

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