Kashmir obsession

Pakistan’s Kashmir obsession has not come down and neither will it be going to diminish if the recent utterances of Adviser to the Pakistan Prime Minister on Foreign Affairs and National Security Sartaj Aziz are to be taken into account. He had said, India wants to resolve the Kashmir dispute in its own way and Pakistan will not allow this Indian attempt to succeed. It has been taking the issue at various forums including United Nations in order to internationalise the issue which most of the countries have termed as a bilateral issue and have refused to mediate in. Even the much hyped ‘Million March’ by Barrister Sultan Mehmood Chaudhary, the former Prime Minister of Pakistan occupied Kashmir to protest against the so-called human rights violations in Kashmir by India too had few takers. Fizzling out of the rally has led to a political slugfest with supporters of Imran Khan and Bilawal Bhutto Zardari accusing each other for the debacle. The so-called ‘Million March’ from Trafalgar Square to Downing Street descended into chaos as Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) Chairperson Bilawal Bhutto Zardari stepped on to the makeshift stage to speak. The crowd began booing and throwing empty plastic bottles and refused to let him speak at the march on Sunday. Even the passing of a resolution by Pakistan Parliament seeking UN intervention is seen as a move aimed at the domestic audience. The reasons are clear as no third party wants to involve in an issue which is purely bilateral in nature. Even army has also expressed concern over increase in Pak-supported militancy related activities in view of the coming Assembly elections. It sees the recent ceasefire violations as an attempt to push-in large number of militants to disrupt the Assembly elections in the State as they know that a large number of their cadre has already been eliminated. Some of the militant outfits in the Valley have been rendered leaderless, so to fill in the gap they want to push in more terrorists into this side of the borders, feels army.  Recent busting of militant module especially of Lashkar-e-Toiba is an indicator that with winters setting in and dates of elections nearing the militant organisations may activate their sleeper cells all across the State.

editorial article1Kashmir obsession
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