Justice Tashi visits Child Care institutions ‘Palaash’, ‘Pareesha’ at Nishat, Srinagar


SRINAGAR: Justice Tashi Rabstan, Judge, High Court of J&K and Ladakh and Chairperson, Juvenile Justice Committee accompanied by Rajni Rabstan, Amit Kumar Gupta, Member Secretary, J&K Legal Services Authority, who is also holding the charge of Member Secretary, Juvenile Justice Committee and Jahangir Bakhshi, Secretary, DLSA Srinagar, on Tuesday visited “Palaash” (Children Home for Boys) and “Pareesha” (Children Home for Girls) at Nishat, Srinagar, to take stock of the facilities being provided in the said institutions besides enquiring about the well-being of the inmates and also had an interaction with them. On his arrival at Pareesha (Children Home for Girls), Justice Tashi was accorded warm welcome by Mukhtar, District Social Welfare Officer, Srinagar alongwith Satinder Kour and Abdul Bari, Superintendent’s Pareesha and Palash respectively. Justice Tashi inspected the two-Stored building having a capacity of 25 inmates where presently 13 girls were staying. Various facilities available at Pareesha like Reading cum Computer room, dormitories, kitchen, dining area, open gym, indoor sport facilities were inspected by Justice Tashi. It was informed by the Superintendent that a tutor for imparting computer training visits every day in the evening and recently the department has also approved engagement of an instructor on outsource basis for extracurricular activities like painting, performing arts etc. Adjoining to the said Home, the Home for Boys “Palash” was situated having a capacity of 50 children where currently 22 inmates were present. Similar facilities were available in the said Home. During an interaction with the children both at “Palaash” and “Pareesha”, Justice Tashi expressed satisfaction about the facilities and amenities being provided to the inmates. However, he expressed that the visit of doctor instead of fortnightly should be on the weekly basis. On the occasion, the children of both the Homes showcased their talent by singing solo as well as group songs and also displayed the prizes won by them in different competitions held in recent past.
Justice Tashi appreciated the efforts of Social Welfare Department in maintaining required standard of living and expected that similar kind of facilities shall be provided regularly.

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