JAMMU: In Compliance to the directions of Jammu & Kashmir Legal Services Authority, 1st National Lok Adalat was held on Saturday under the Chairmanship of Y. P. Bourney (Pr. District & Sessions Judge, Jammu) and supervision of Smriti Sharma, Secretary District Legal Services Authority Jammu.

Today, Justice Sanjeev Kumar, Judge High Court of J&K and Ladakh and Administrative Judge for District Jammu inaugurated the National Lok Adalat 2025 at District Court Complex Janipur Jammu.
Speaking on the occasion, Justice Sanjeev Kumar emphasized the importance of National Lok Adalat in amicable settlement of long pending disputes.
He added that alternative dispute resolution is a vital tool in the Justice delivery system which ensures speedy and one time settlement of disputes. The general masses can take the benefit of Lok Adalats as the award passed by the Lok Adalat Benches attains finality.
Justice Sanjeev Kumar also congratulated women on the occasion of International Women’s Day which falls on 8th of March every year.
He emphasized the importance of urgency towards gender parity in all the spheres of life and stressed the Judicial system has always addressed gender issues in a very sensitive way. This Lok Adalat should also be looked as a step forward in ensuring Justice delivery to all including women.
On the occasion, Justice Sanjeev Kumar also distributed various MACT cheques among the claimants. In National Lok Adalat has taken different kind of cases in the Court Complex Jammu wherein 30 Benches were constituted.
Total 30 benches were constituted in different courts to deal with the matters of Civil nature, Bank Recovery, Criminal Compoundable, MACT, Matrimonial, NI Act u/s 138, Revenue Cases, BSNL Cases, Electricity Bills, Other Civil cases and Others Traffic Challans cases were taken up today in the District Court Complex, Janipur Jammu.
The total number of 86,091 cases pertaining to different nature was taken up, Out of which 84,101 cases were settled. The total Amount recovered is Rs. 18,88,06,978.
These benches were constituted wherein the cases related to three cases under Motor Accident Claim Tribunal, Jammu;
In Rsamita Bhau & Ors Vs Avilash Mandi & Ors (TATA AIG) case, an amount of Rs. 32,64,872 was awarded in favour of the claimant after settlement. In Darshana Devi & Ors Vs TATA AIG Ltd. & Ors case, an amount of Rs. 15,50,000 was awarded in favour of the claimant after settlement. In another Nishu Devi & Ors Vs OIC Ltd. & Ors case, an amount of Rs. 33,47,430 was awarded in favour of the amount after settlement. The amount of all cases was paid as compensation by respective respondents.