JU launches plantation drive to enhance biodiversity


JAMMU: The Department of Environmental Sciences, and Green Campus Task Force (GCTF-JU), University of Jammu organized a Plantation Drive in the University Campus to celebrate “World Environment Day 2024”.
The purpose of this event was to encourage students’ participation in plantation activities in the campus to make them environmentally conscious and responsible. Chief Guest, Prof. Anju Basin, Dean Academic Affairs, JU inaugurated the drive by planting a Mango sapling in the lawns of the Department. She emphasized that such events should be undertaken frequently as it is the duty of every individual to revive the natural processes and ecological relationships that sustain life. “More and more trees should be planted on the campus as they help in temperature and pollution reduction’, she added. She also stressed that education is the most important tool to accelerate the ecosystem restoration efforts and we can build a harmonious future when humans and nature thrive together. Among others who planted saplings included Prof. Piyush Malaviya, Head, Department of Environmental Sciences, and Convener, Green Campus Task Force (GCTF-JU), Dr. Deepika Slathia, Member Secretary, GCTF-JU, Dr. Rakesh Kumar Atri, Dr. Meenakshi Khajuria, Dr. Ranjan Sharma, Dr. Ravinder Kumar and Ms. Rozi, faculty members of the department.
Later, a ‘Comprehensive Poster on the Green Initiatives by the JU’ was also released in which the university has appealed to other educational institutions including off-site campuses and affiliated colleges in the UT of J&K to undertake similar green initiatives in their respective campuses.

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