Jodhamal, G D Goenka lift trophies at Vox Populi

JAMMU: Jodhamal Public School lifted the Biggest Delegation Trophy at the Vox Populi whereas the G D Goenka lifted the small delegation Trophy for the 2015-16 season of Vox Populi.
The two days debating sessions saw some very good tips for the students for the speaking skills. There were almost 250 students pitched against each other in a set of 14 different topics given to them and all were found really good in their debating skills.
Students from DPS Baramullah had given a tough fight to their Jammu counterparts and the students from SRM Welkin School proved their mattle by winning many prizes in this competition.
G D Goenka and Jodhamal Kids were the real heros of this prestigeous debate where in the inner potential of the students was tapped through these two days by grilling the participants.
The highlight of the Vox Populi is the participation of seven students from Government High School Deeli who also proved that even the government school students with less facilities are no less than anyone. For the entry level today they allowed to speak their debates in English and Hindi mixed but by the next year they will surely give a tough fight to their counter parts in the private schools.
Lekhraj of GHS Deeli talked against the topic that the common man has a say in today’s time whereas Suresh was of the opinion that common man has no say and each one had put their points forward in their own way.
In the morning session the keynote address was given by Abhayjeet Singh Kala the former Head Boy of Jodhamal Public School and at present an Amity University student and doing his internship at the DC Office Jammu in the legal section. He gave tips to the students how a small word of appreciation from elders turns a child into a leader who can move the mountains.
Second session of the day saw Monika Sethi Vice Principal JMPS as the Keynote Speaker who made her session a very interactive one and all students enjoyed her session to the fullest.
The closing ceremony saw Dr. Chand Trehan the eminent Educationist and Child Psychologist as the Chief Guest whose presence inspired the students and teachers alike. In her address she said that according to her all those who participate and come out of their comfort Zone are winners and she asked everyone to have self appreciation to analyse to see your strengths and weaknesses. Prizes were given by the Presiding Guest Trilok Singh Bist the Principal of Jodhamal Public School along with the Chief Guest Dr. Chand Trehan.
Shreyansh Bhalotia, the President of Vox Populi concluded the programme with the vote of thanks and by announcing the dates for the next year’s Vox Populi Debating Phenomenon on 27th and 28th January 2017.
The Emcee for the programme was Ananya Sharma and the Overall Incharge of the Programme was Radhika Sharma who had put in her level best to bring this programme to this height.
All students took their awards with pride and went back happy content and with a lot of exposure for the future. Present on the ocassion were Baseema Aijaz the Vice Chairperson of the SRM Welkin Public School Sopore, Mohsin Iqbal the Vice Chairman of the DPS Baramullah, Pramod Srivastava the Principal Model Academy Jammu, Santosh Dogra Coordinator of Jodhamal and the Faculty Organising Secretary Radhika Sharma,Coordinators of Jammu Sanskriti School and teachers and students from all schools from Jammu and Kashmir under one umbrella together with the Govt. High School students from Deeli. The programme came to a close with singing of National Anthem.

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