JKPS Kunjwani excels in Zonal level competitions-2024


JAMMU: In this Inter-School Zonal Level Competitions held at Jammu University on 30 and 31 Aug 2024, both the Boys & Girls Teams of JK Public School Kunjwani won 16 gold medals, 11 silver medals and 02 bronze medals.
The winners were Saksham Gupta (03 Gold Medals in 100M, Short Put and Discus Throw), Ashray Verma (02 Gold medals in 1500M and 400M), Payal Kumari (02 Gold Medal in Long Jump & High Jump) Mustafeed (1 Gold medal in High Jump and 1 Silver Medal in 800M), Prabjot Singh (01 Gold Medal in Long Jump & 01 Silver Medal in High Jump), Faisal Shabir (01 Gold Medal in 100M and 01 Silver Medal in Long Jump), Shoaib Khan (02 Gold Medal in 100M and Discus Throw), Akriti Singh (02 Gold Medal in Short Put and Discus Throw), Krishan Saini (Gold Medal in Javelin Throw and Bronze Medal in 200M), Suryansh (Gold Medal in Javelin Throw). Advik Joyter (02 Silver Medals in Short Put and High Jump), Anjali Verma (02 Silver Medals in Javelin Throw and 200M), Ananya (02 Silver Medals in Discus Throw nand Sort Put), Deepansh Singh (Silver Medal in 600M) and Digvijay Singh (Silver Medal in Long Jump), and Lovesh Rathi (Bronze Medal in Short Put).
Principal JK Public School, Rajesh Rathore congratulated the winners and felicitated them in the School Assembly. He also lauded the School Athletics Coach Shiv Dev Singh for this outstanding achievement.

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