JKNPP protests collapse of law and order in State

 Kashmir situation fast reverting back to early nineties: Harsh

JAMMU: Expressing serious concern over the breakdown of administrative machinery in the State and attacks on Amarnath pilgrims, Jammu and Kashmir National Panthers Party staged a demonstration at Exhibition Ground here on Monday accusing the government of its utter failure to restore rule of law.
The agitated protestors, led by Harsh Dev Singh, Chairman JKNPP and former Minister and Yash Paul Kundal State President Young Panthers, raised slogans against the Coalition Government.
Addressing the media persons, Harsh rebuked the government for having failed to respond appropriately to the situation created in the wake of killing of Hizb Commander and the resultant turbulence witnessed in the Valley. He regretted that with dozens of people killed, hundreds injured and religious pilgrimage being assaulted, it was virtually a case of anarchy and lawlessness prevailing in Kashmir with no signs of government on the ground.
He said that the ministers had deliriously shun their responsibility thus allowing the situation to further deteriorate. Alleging total collapse of law and order with administration having lost control over the fast deteriorating situation, Harsh sought the intervention of the Governor under the powers vested in him by the constitution. He said that most alarming was the dis-arming of the security personnel who were ordered by the BJP-PDP govt. not to use force despite the gravest provocations of the saboteurs or inspite of the violent attacks by them. He cautioned that the fast deteriorating situation had the potential to revert back to early nineties and said that the unholy alliance between the BJP and PDP was squarely responsible for the same. He strongly condemned the attacks on pilgrims, security forces and police stations by the subversives and anti nationals who had virtually taken control of state of affairs in Kashmir. Holding the appeasement Policy pursued by the incumbent government responsible for the prevalent crisis, Singh said that the government had taken several nasty decisions at the behest of separatists and others anti national forces which had emboldened such elements. He said that non initiation of action against those waiving Pak flags and ISIS flags and showing disrespect to Indian Flag had emboldened the felons besides dampening morale of security forces. He regretted that the tale piece of the sordid story was the full support of the BJP to the Kashmir centric leadership in the highly egregious decisions compromising the national honour and security for the lust of power. While ridiculing the tall slogans of ‘zero tolerance’ against anti nationals given by BJP, he regretted that the saffron leaders had infact displayed infinite tolerance only to retain the role of junior partner in the PDP govt. He asked the BJP Ministers to resign in case they had the slightest concern for the public sentiments.

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