JKAACL organises multilingual Mushaira

KATHUA: Jammu and Kashmir Academy of Art, Culture and Languages (JKAACL) in association with Triveni Kala Kunj, Kathua organized multi-lingual Mushaira in Rajiv Gandhi College of Education, Kathua.
R.K Sharma, Programme Executive, All India Radio, Kathua and a senior poet presided whereas Pankaj Dogra, Chairman of the College was the Chief Guest on the occasion.
Besides this, Ashok Gupta, Editor Dogri, JKAACL, Dr. Usha Monga, President and Vijay Sharma, General Secretary of Triveni Kala Kunj were also present in the presidium.
Delivering his presidential address, R.K Sharma appreciated the role of the JKAACL for organising such literary activities and said that since last couple of years academy has geared up its activities not only in the cities but also the remote and border areas.
While appreciating the participating poets, he said that by their participation, the programme became successful.
Earlier, delivering his address as Chief Guest, Pankaj Dogra thanked JKAACL for organising this literary activity in their college. He said that such activities not only encourage the students but also help in pruning their all round development. He further requested the academy to organise such programmes in future also.
The programme started with the welcome address delivered by Vijay Sharma, General Secretary of Triveni Kala Kunj in which he thanked JKAACL for holding this literary programme and also by giving platform to the students of the college.
The poets who recited their poetry were Dr. Usha Monga, Vijay Sharma, Sanjay Sehgal, Sham Lal Khajuria, Shashi Pal Khajuria, Rajesh Kumar, Daleep Singh Savan, Hazoora Singh, Ramesh Singh Galoch, Balak Ram Mehra, Ajay Sharma, Kuldeep Kippi, Daya Ram Daya, Raj Kumar and Dr. Sunita Bhadwal including Sonali, Manju and Savita of the college also participated in the Mushaira.
On this occasion, a book titled ‘Lala Jagat Narayan’ a translated version in Dogri was also released. The book, in question, was originally in Hindi consisting of life aspects of Lala Jagat Narayan and has been translated into Dogri jointly by Yash Pal Nirmal, a Sahitya Akademi Awardee and Dr. Sunita Bhadwal, a renowned poetess of Dogri.
The proceedings of the programme were conducted by Dr. Rattan Basotra, Assistant Editor, and vote of thanks was presented by Ashok Gupta, Editor Dogri, JKAACL.

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