J&K, the Biomass Landscape of India

GL Khajuria

The world wildlife fund (WWF) had long back formulated projects to earmark a biological profile for various states of India. This was being done to high-light the problems connected with biodiversity, particularly its conservation, augmentation, sustainability and utilization at a bigger scale. The first such profile, of course, was the North-Eastern state of Arunachal Pradesh which is internationally acclaimed as the hot-spot. And the second in the series is the north western state of Jammu and Kashmir.
The Jammu and Kashmir state provides a considerable amount of habitat of vide, varied diversity.
These range from unimaginable and unaccountable beautiful enchanting snow-topped mountains, glaciers and cascading crystal-clear gurgling ice-cold waters in the rivers apart from high altitudinal attractive mountainous landscape andstreams. And these, therefore, have their extension to the most hostilehabitates such as the lakes, other water bodies, lush green dense forests, and the high altitudinal meadows with carpet cover of green silky grasses covered by multihued wild fragrant flowers for miles and miles in togetherness.Supporting all these, there is ever-refreshing cool breeze of the temperate zone and over -head there are milky white wafting clouds, which still adds to the beauty while these hover overazuresky in its ambience.
These wide-arrayed landscapes can very conveniently be maintained through proper managing conservation of the biodiversity. And no less is the most enchanting and charming vistasta, the Jhelum formally quite and placid but at occasions in floods furry. At one point of time, Dal Lake used to be have crystal clear with water butwith the passage of times the same dal is turning dull and so is the situation with wular and other water bodies which have mostly been polluted.
Kashmir or the vale valley is world widely regarded as the paradise on earth and this sanctimonious land is blessed with many saints, sages and seers and of course, blessed with great writer and thinkers.
But unfortunately, this pride land is losing its pristine lustre owing to the outside interferencesby the neighbouring border countries who are hell bet to destabilise its peace ad harmony. But fortunately, The inhabitants together with a varied biodiversity are well in place and the localsare intelligent hardworking and progressively ahead with zeal and zest wherever they harbour.
As per the latest survey report of India ending year 2015 , the Jammu and Kashmir state is having a forest cover 201796 Hectares (recorded ) out of 22539 Hectares (Actual ) which shows the recorded percentage of area having per captia forest cover at around 0.1796Hectares ending year 2011 which is dismally jeering.
In view of the frizzling forest cover of our state, their seems to be an alarming scenario ahead if soremainsthe situation. As such,therefore, some strategic and tangible steps are warranting and need to be afooted to anticipate impending environmental degradation and the repercussions accruingthereform.
The Jammu and Kashmir state is as well is nomenclarised as a biomass state of the county for reason as well-known having a potential exporter of fruits (fresh/drieds, nuts) , vegetables, medicinal and aromatic herbs of multihued forms apart from seeds and other minor forest produce (MFP) for the manufacture of multi-medicinal drugs (Ayurvedic) for which we are having a richest treasure trove ofmedicinal potential for which we are privileged ad prideful . The only pertinent and moot point of expectation is the active surveillance of forest deptt. To avert exploitation and illegal smuggling of Minor forest produce (MFP) their conservation and promotion.
Apart from all that as have been enumerated here in above, J&K as a whole is the richest biomass source such as Mushrooms, honey, condiments like black zira (Caraway ) and above all saffron (Kesar-Zafran) an equivalent of chanan of South India . S
Silk and silken product /garments, woollenroducts such as rafals, pashmina and shatios, carpets, silk and silken products such as rafals, pashmina and shawl, carpets, fur garments are as yet another forms of the most attractive and charming part of Kashmir products which ,of course, constitute fascinating component of biomass. Wood crafts, carving , Khutamband ceilings, wicker work, Papier mache, Joinery products and sports items occupy an important and alluring part and parcel of Kashmir products of the biomass which nowhere are nowhere in existence throughout India and unambiguously across the globe. These luxuriant and attractive products are everlasting rather constituting heritage itemization.
Kashimir is as well prominently known for embroidery on silk, wool and even on cotton garments, curtains and other allied furnishings and these materials together with products are fundamentally derivatives of biomass, much of which is from rich and varied biodiversity existing in the valley.
In a way, the trade and economy in the valley is almost dependent exclusively on biological raw material directly or indirectly whose optimum source is from biomass ensuing from biodiversity in all its forms and ramification. And this calls for boosting and invigoration in a bigger way to ensure and enhance state’s economy for which it is the richest treasure trove throughout India and the best services of the idling youth can be taken use of who are wrongfully channellingtheir energies.
Tourism industry is predominantly the traditional mainstay of economy of the state which doubtlessly enjoys its unique placement. There is no dearth of beautiful spots in Jammu and Kashmir which are no way inferior to any other place in the entire Himalayan region. Ranging from lower start to the higher echelons, all the spots are attracting, charming and mesmerising as, when and where we talk of beauty, tourism (eco-tourism, temple Tourism ) so on and so fourth.
In so far as Jammu region is concerned, right from lakhanpur (gate way to J&K)) we find magnificent spots as those of Bani , Basohili, Billawer (Sukrala Mata, Shiva’s temple ) Udhampur ( Devakar, Krimchi temples, ShankriDerta, Moungri cave)cheneni, sudhmaha dev (Lord Shiva’s historic temple) Mantalai to the extent of Dudu Basantgarah- all the spots are dotted with scared spots of sanctimonious importance where the tourists/Pilgrims throng in multihued mumbers pay obeisance for blessings. The twin lakes sruisar-Mansar are the enchanting water bodies with emerald waters flanged and fringed all around with beautiful pines and other lush green vibrant broad leaved forests intermingled with a varied variety of herbs, shrubs and micro-macro ground flora. These forest are as well associated with Kaleidoscopic wildlife including wingedvisitors who roamed about freely in the natural eco system.
Jammu itself is a city of temples of temples and don’t demand elaboration. And when one ascends up towards Patnitiop, there seems a wider spectrum of colourful and lush green vibrant forest of pines and with altitudinal variation till one reaches Sanasar,Nathatop. All these spots have their own picturesque enchanting and enthralling beauty resembling that of Gulmarg and Pehalgamof vale of Kashmir. Apart from that, these spots are the abode of spirituality of Nag Rajas who are most reverentially revered by all and one.
Lastly, it would be incomplete and inappropriate without making mention of the most prominent dimension of the medicinal and aromatic plants which do deserve conservation, promotion and propagation. Many of such plants are growing in wild viz. Picorhhiza, kurra (Kour) a perennial herb useful for liver ailments, valerianawallichina (Mushakbala) prominently used in perfumercy, withaniazomniferafinds its usefulness in rejuvenatetherapy, excessive emancipation and heart ailments, Taxus bacata, Macrotoniabenthom, crysanthimum, Acacias Achyranthies, Adhatoda, Alove vera , Rauwalfaserpelina (cobra plant), Datwea, viola, Digitalis, Aegle marmelos (wood apple ), Arthimisias, cotonesters, Flacourtiaromanshhi, indigoferoas which are widly sprawling over forests which dafacto, form a part and parcel our rich biodiversity and directly or indirectly constitute an important component of our state’s biomass.
Observation and preservation of biodiversity of our state would actually ensure perpetual availability of the biomass which in turn would ensure the livelihood of the local inhabitants apart from boosting their economic status in a variety of ways. And this initiative if taken effectively by all the states will go a long way in improving the economy of the country in a bigger way. And in strategizing productivity, the best way would be to harvest and utilise for economic purpose only the annual increment or field of this biological capital.
People orientation cum participation and biomass based micro and macro/mega enterprise is the perfect and right answer for the development of state in the anticipative perspective. Given the inherent creative and artistic abilities of the people , particularly of those in the surrounding areas of the biodiversity sprawling zone and its local populace can be very conveniently moulded into uniquely beautiful goods.
Modern fields of science , information and technology should warranted gearing up for augmentation and ensuring economic and the ecological security of the state and all what is and innovative and creative thinking with a desired spectrum for long -term sustainability
Hopefully, of course, beyond all ambiguities the follow up on lines will go a long way in promoting and propagating states’s arts, craft , tourism and other all multihued innovative fields of activities by all and sundry, particularly amongst those who are the of-shooting younger generation should endow channelize their acumen in the right track in making the state socially. These lines economically strongerthroughoutIndia. And alongside our rich varied biodiversity and its vital component biomass shall ever and ever flourish for the better and economic growth of the state in particular and county at large.
Concluding, therefore the writer arrives at the conclusion that the subject matter, J&K : the Biomass state of India is though indeed an interesting one where we do definitely feel that world wildlife fund (WWF)m India we hope that the document is of paramount important insofaras the hilly state as that of Jammu and Kashmir is concerned where there is unlimited scope of planning of biodiversity of the state. .
The state unambiguously is the richest source of vide, varied biodiversity which calls for its augmentation, preservation and promotion for improving infrastructure for the economy of the state in particular and the county as a whole as also emphasised earlier in the body of this article .
We as a state or nation doing our every bit the very important issues than what hinders us to hem in on this most vulnerable issues of biodiversity for which the govt. Of India as well as the stategovernment.
In the ultimate analysis, the last hopes now rests with our chef Minister Mehboba mufti, the most dynamic and visionaryin picking up the thread and ensure its augmentation and promotion in the best of her wisdom and farsightedness for the state as a whole.
(The author is Former Dy. Conservator of forest, J&K)

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