J&K remote control lies in Nagpur: Omar

ANANTNAG: Reminding Mehbooba Mufti of her rhetoric and slogans when she was an opposition leader, National Conference Working President Omar Abdullah on Thursday said that Chief Minister was at the forefront of PDP’s shocking betrayal with the people of Kashmir.
“Mehbooba Mufti scripted the PDP-BJP Alliance and abandoned all her promises to hang on to power. We still remember her election speeches about how it was important to vote for PDP to keep BJP out of J and K. Today the greatest irony is that she heads the PDP-BJP Alliance in J and K”, the NC Working President said while addressing two rousing public rallies in Kehribal and Krangsoo in Anantnag.
“On one hand the entire State is reeling under a governance crisis and on the other hand the entire State machinery and administration is focused on the Anantnag by-poll. Our ration depots are empty, people are being deprived of drinking water and electricity during the holy month of Ramzan. Even here in Anantnag, PDP’s indifference towards the people has been a historical fact. Their leaders have never shown their faces to the people of Anantnag after getting their votes to claim power in the Assembly. Mehbooba Mufti has failed as the Chief Minister of the State – both on the political as well as the governance front and she would behave in a similar indifferent and insensitive manner with her constituents if she becomes an MLA in Anantnag”, Omar Abdullah said while addressing the two public meetings in Kehribal and Krangsoo.
The NC Working President said the Anantnag by-poll was a battle between the ideology of Kashmir and the ideology of Nagpur. “Today the State’s remote control lies in Nagpur and Mehbooba Mufti gets her day-to-day directions from the RSS Headquarters. The same Mehbooba Mufti who used to jump into the well of the Assembly to seek AFSPA revocation and return of power projects has gone completely silent on these issues after becoming the Chief Minister. She is frightened to even mention AFSPA in the Legislative Assembly. After the demise of late Mufti Sahab she promised the people of J&K that she would not take over as the Chief Minister until and unless New Delhi announces some CBMs for J and K. Where did those CBMs go Mehbooba Ji? What convinced you to take over as the CM after a two month long tantrum? Mehbooba Mufti cannot be trusted – she has proved that beyond an iota of doubt. She has backtracked on everything she has ever said”, Omar Abdullah added.
“What happened to PDP’s ‘Battle of Ideas’ promise? During the tenure of the previous Government Yasin Malik was free to tour areas and speak about his ideology and views as long as it didn’t convert into a law and order situation. Yasin Malik conducted his signature campaign across the length and breadth of the State during the tenure of the previous government. Today the same Mehbooba Mufti who speaks of 1987 as the alleged genesis of the political turmoil has instructed the police to book Yasin Malik in a 29 year old case pertaining to a public meeting organised for the MUF in 1989. Is this her ‘Battle of Ideas’? This morning Mirwaiz Qazi Yasir was arrested ahead of his press conference at the behest of the Chief Minister. All these voices are being selectively targeted for their open and stinging criticism of PDP’s sell-outs and U-turns. Mehbooba Mufti has become paranoid about her growing unpopularity”, Omar Abdullah added.
The NC Working President said it was distressing how Mehbooba Mufti was pressurised by the BJP and RSS into releasing those responsible for violence and breaking the law recently in Jammu despite FIRs and despite concrete proof. “This State is being run by the RSS and Mehbooba Mufti has handed over her mandate to the right-wing and also compromised on the sanctity and integrity of the office she holds”, the NC Working President said.
Omar Abdullah asked the people of Anantnag to vote for Iftikhar Misger as he would represent them and work towards alleviating their grievances as opposed to Mehbooba Mufti who had become a known expert at u-turns and back-pedaling. “You should vote for Iftikhar and make him successful to represent you and strive towards upholding your dignity and respect. A vote for Iftikhar would be a vote for dignity and honour and a vote against the communal and divisive agenda of the PDP-BJP Alliance of opportunism and greed”, Omar Abdullah further said.

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