JIT visit confirms India’s resolve to fight terror

Dear Editor,
The visit of Pakistan’s Joint Investigation Team to India, to look into the Pathankot terror attack case, is welcome. Allegations that the government has ‘jeopardised’ the security of the country by allowing the team into the airbase are childish. Obviously, critics are oblivious to the way the system works in such sensitive cases. Opponents must know that only the spot where exchanges took place would have been the focus of the JIT. The Indian Government must have done adequate homework to ensure that no secrecy is leaked. Islamabad’s acceptance of New Delhi’s proposal has heralded a new precedent.
The constitution of a five-member panel by Pakistan, to visit the site of terror proves that India’s views and proposals are no longer ignored by the neighbouring country. Though the outcome of the visit is debatable, this move will send a firm message to the world on New Delhi’s eagerness to build bridges with Islamabad and its keenness to fight terrorism.
Ganapathi Bhat

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