Jammu roads —- killing fields

Dear Editor,
It happened yet again, and this time too the same routine was followed by the administration. Promises to take action and look into the matter have become oft repeated phrases which for the hapless citizens have lost meaning and credibility. The death of a young girl near Poonch House, Talab Tillo a few days ago is a grim reminder to the fact that things have not changed at all in the City of Temples so far as control of road accidents is concerned. Despite promises the loss of the life of a young girl, who was virtually sandwiched, between two matadors locked in a mad race for picking up passengers has once again raised pertinent questions. Janvi Gupta was only sixteen and barely a day had passed when her matriculation results were out. Poor girl never knew that her life would be cut short by two brutes having no regard to human life and for whom five or ten rupees mattered uppermost. This accident like many have become common place and for the administration and the Traffic Department entrusted with regulating traffic on the roads such accidents have no human angle; they are just a schedule. Yes some spontaneous protest or blocking of roads is sufficient and then on the people go to their homes and become mute witness once again to the gory blood- letting on the roads. One wonders what has happened to the civil society which has become so immune to bad ways and breaking of laws that they see no cause in rising up and demonstrating their collective displeasure at the way things are being managed especially when it comes to the regulating of traffic on the roads. It is a well known fact that more people have been killed in our State in traffic accidents than they have been killed in terror related activities. The Governor has shown displeasure at the increasing number of accidents. Time is ripe that Traffic Department is sensitised and on roads like Talab Tillo which are congested traffic flow is monitored with diligence. Over speeding should invite telling punishment. The installation of CCTV will help a great deal but with no sensitive and effective administration in sight how will blood- letting on roads stop. Despite, one or two days’ vigil of Traffic Police on accident prone roads, situation once again turns normal. Here, normalcy means Traffic Police is disinterested while over speeding matadors who are nothing but angels of death continue with their deathly ways. The public in general too has a responsibility. They need to tell their children to drive slowly and adhere to traffic rules. But it is sadly a million dollar question when will we all learn to drive safely and when will administration come up to its expectation. Till then God be with us.
Manik Jain

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