International Tea Day

Dear Sir
Every year on December 15, tea-producing countries celebrate International Tea Day. The day seeks to draw the attention of governments and citizens around the world to the impact that tea trade has on workers and growers. The tea-producing countries that celebrate International Tea Day are Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Vietnam, Indonesia, Kenya, Malawi, Malaysia, Uganda, Tanzania and India. Apart from water, tea is the most popular beverage in the world. The primary types of tea include white, black, green, oolong, herbal, and pu’erh. Tea is believed to have originated in China. There, drinkers used tea for medicinal reasons. In the 17th century, tea made its way to the UK.
Because of the large number of tea drinkers in the world, tea demands a massive production scale. Unfortunately, in many tea-producing countries, production comes with many challenges. Some of the obstacles tea-producing countries face include low wages for tea workers, lack of medical care for tea workers in rural areas, and a lack of clean and potable water on tea plantations. There is also a need for improved sanitation on tea plantations. Additionally, women make up 50 per cent of the workforce on tea plantations. These women usually don’t have access to education.
The first International Tea Day was held in New Delhi in 2005. However, in 2015, the Indian government proposed to the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation to expand International Tea Day across the world.
Tea is the most popular of all drinks. Nowadays, some people can go without food, but they cannot go without a morning cup of tea. Tea is made from the leaves of a tea plant. This plant is an evergreen shrub. It grows up to four or five feet in height. For some people, every time is tea time. Whenever a guest drops in, he/she expects to be entertained with a cup of tea. After a day’s hard work, a cup of tea is very refreshing. When taken hot, it gives warmth to the body. It is also sometimes used as a medicine for cold and fever. But drinking too much of tea is harmful.
Jubel D’Cruz,

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