Infiltration on

The recent government stand on Pak-supported infiltration in Jammu and Kashmir is startling. It is 100 per cent increase compared to last year this time and the effect of this infiltration has been seen in the 54 days trouble and tension in Kashmir Valley. Protests targeting security agencies remained unchecked and separatists called the shot and kept the unrest continuing.  The 100 per cent increase in infiltration has taken place at a time when government has approved a five layer  security apparatus  for the 2,900 km western border with Pakistan. India would be sealing for the first time its border against the Pak-supported infiltration of militants in Jammu and Kashmir, Punjab, Rajasthan and Gujarat. Though a multi-layer fencing is already there with over 1,50,00 flood-lights  but  there are some loose-ends in a few vulnerable  spots like ravine areas which have been uncovered because of the topography and the water source and had been the favourite for infiltrating militants. With the new security coming in place this would be for the first time technology would play a prime role in securing border from such activities. The vulnerable spots would have laser shields. There have been decline in infiltration from across the border but the need to have a fool-proof system comes after the Pathankot militant attack forcing the government to look for technologies to avoid recurrence of any such attacks. The terrorists are believed to have entered India 5km downstream of Bamiyal near the Tash border outpost – a riverine point not covered by a laser wall as well. Bamiyal has BSF posts on either side of the river with a man on each post keeping a watch on the river round the clock. All along the border there are 130 riverine sections which would be covered with laser technology as fencing has proved ineffective due to seasonal flooding.  The entire border would be brought under ‘technology surveillance’ within two years to discourage any infiltration bids. India and Pakistan have been going through a mixed phase of relations in recent times.

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