ICSI introduces Signature Award Scheme

NEW DELHI: The Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI) introduced ‘ICSI Signature Award Scheme’ under which, a gold medal by the name of ‘ICSI Signature Award’ will be awarded to the topper in the B.Com. Examinations in Commerce conducted by the Central, State Universities and Topper of PGDM of IIM/Special paper of IITs in India.
As a result the MoU was signed between the ICSI and Panjab University, on 18th June 2016. Representatives of the both bodies, Col G.S Chadha (Retd.), Registrar, Panjab University and Ankur Yadav (Joint Secretary, SG) ICSI has signed the MOU in the august presence of, Dr. Karamjeet Singh Prof. UBS, Panjab University and Dean Faculty of Business Management and Commerce Panjab University and CS G.S Sarin, Chairman Chandigarh Chapterand other Officials of Panjab University and ICSI.
CS Mamta Binani, President, The ICSI in her special message stated that the MoU will help the cause of young empowerment and it is a proud moment that ICSI has signed an MoU with the esteemed University like Panjab University for the ICSI Signature Award as it will empower and encourage young professionals to play important role in the decision making process at the highest level.
CS GS Sarin, Chairman Chandigarh Chapter in his message stated that the MoU with pioneer university like Panjab University is life time achievement for the Chandigarh Chapter which will not only take Chandigarh Chapter to new heights but also to ICSI as whole.
Dr. Karamjeet Singh Prof. UBS, Panjab University and Dean Faculty of Business Management and Commerce Panjab University in his message stated that it is a historic pact between two high value educational institutions.

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