JAMMU: JKPCC Working President Raman Bhalla, District Incharge Yogesh Sawhney, Chief Spokesperson Ravinder Sharma, Manmohan Singh, ST Chairman Hussain Ali Waffa, Sewadal Chairman Vijay Sharma Babbi and Satish Sharma led Jai Bharat Satyagraha March started on Wednesday from Dewa Palace, Preet Nagar and passed through Shivaji Chowk, Guru Nanak Nagar Sectors 6, 7, 11, 12, 2 and 1. The March was organized by Block 10, 12 Presidents Surinder Singh Dutt and Mandeep Singh Sonu. Prominent among those present on the occasion include Corporator Dewarka Choudhary, Aman Bawa, Vijay Chib, Sandeep Dogra, DR. Ramankant Khajuria, Satpal Spolia, Parveen Singh, Yougal Sharma, Pawan Dev Singh, Atul Sharma, Vijay Khajuria, Pardeep Bhalla, Arvind Sharma, Vandana Makhnotra, Suman Choudhary, Rajinder Singh , Beyant Singh, Gurdeep Singh Kaka, Jasbir Singh, Parmodh Jain, Nittin Sharma, KS Slathia, Ashwani Sethi, Bushan Kumar Reddi, AS Sambyal, Deepak Malhotra, Pardeep Nanda, Sashi Syal, Rakesh Kumar, Subadar Tersham Kumar, Lajo Ram, Inder Pal, Dr Sandeep Singh, Dr Vijay Sharma, Satnam Singh Kaka, Neeraj Kumar, Ashok Kumar, Babli Devi, Jyoti Devi, Gurmeet Singh, Yash Pal, Rakesh Kumar, Manmeet Singh, Onkar Singh, Vicky Singh, Amrish Sharma besides others.
Speaking on the occasion, Bhalla said that direct involvement of the public in programme is proof that now public is also fed up with the killer government. “Satyagraha is the only powerful medium for fighting the divisive, conspiratorial elements sitting in power. A conspiracy was hatched to end Rahul Gandhi’s membership of Parliament, so that inflation, falling economy of the Country, bank scams, demand of Prime Minister’s relationship with Adani should not get force, but we will always remain in public regarding the matter,” he added.
Bhalla said that democracy and constitution are being put in danger for their political gains, an atmosphere of anarchy is being created in the Country. He said that the Government, its ministers, MPs etc are getting so shattered in the arrogance of majority, they are not missing out even by tarnishing their dignity with their statements. Regarding J&K, Bhalla claimed that the BJP-led Centre is neither serious about holding assembly elections in Jammu and Kashmir nor restoring its statehood. He also sought support from the people to defeat ‘politics of hate and division’ in the country. The Centre is only hoodwinking people by issuing vague statements from time to time for the last three and half years, he added. Ravinder Sharma said that during last nine years unemployment has been all time high in J&K and across the country. He requested people to ask BJP leadership when they come for seeking votes that why after giving huge mandate to them from Jammu region, people were neglected on all fronts.
Yogesh Sawhney said that whenever elections are round the corner in any state, BJP adopts a divisive agenda of vote bank politics, which is very dangerous for the nation. He slammed BJP for ‘destroying’ J&K and ‘crushing’ the rights of people. Others who spoke on the occasion included Manmohan Singh and ST Chairman Hussain Ali Waffa.